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Published on 15.05.18 in Vol 20, No 5 (2018): May

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Works citing "Mapping of Crowdsourcing in Health: Systematic Review"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.9330):

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  1. Borda A, Gray K, Fu Y. Research data management in health and biomedical citizen science: practices and prospects. JAMIA Open 2020;3(1):113
  2. Pratap A, Allred R, Duffy J, Rivera D, Lee HS, Renn BN, Areán PA. Contemporary Views of Research Participant Willingness to Participate and Share Digital Data in Biomedical Research. JAMA Network Open 2019;2(11):e1915717
  3. Tuerk PW, Schaeffer CM, McGuire JF, Adams Larsen M, Capobianco N, Piacentini J. Adapting Evidence-Based Treatments for Digital Technologies: a Critical Review of Functions, Tools, and the Use of Branded Solutions. Current Psychiatry Reports 2019;21(10)
  4. Pluye P, Granikov V, Tang DL, Granikov V, Pluye P. Facilitators and barriers associated with the implementation of an innovative cross-disciplinary monitoring of the scientific literature: The Collaborative eBibliography on Mixed Methods (CeBoMM) – A research protocol. Education for Information 2020;36(1):81
  5. Petrović N, Moyà-Alcover G, Varona J, Jaume-i-Capó A. Crowdsourcing human-based computation for medical image analysis: A systematic literature review. Health Informatics Journal 2020;26(4):2446
  6. St John-Matthews J, Newton P, Grant A, Robinson L. Crowdsourcing in health professions education: What radiography educators can learn from other disciplines. Radiography 2019;25(2):164
  7. Bassi H, Lee CJ, Misener L, Johnson AM. Exploring the characteristics of crowdsourcing: An online observational study. Journal of Information Science 2020;46(3):291
  8. van Niekerk L, Ongkeko A, Hounsell RA, Msiska BK, Mathanga DP, Mothe J, Juban N, Awor P, Balabanova D. Crowdsourcing to identify social innovation initiatives in health in low- and middle-income countries. Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2020;9(1)
  9. Wu D, Ong JJ, Tang W, Ritchwood TD, Walker JS, Iwelunmor J, Tucker JD. Crowdsourcing Methods to Enhance HIV and Sexual Health Services: A Scoping Review and Qualitative Synthesis. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2019;82(3):S271
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  11. Vermicelli S, Cricelli L, Grimaldi M. How can crowdsourcing help tackle the COVID‐19 pandemic? An explorative overview of innovative collaborative practices. R&D Management 2021;51(2):183
  12. Esteva A, Chou K, Yeung S, Naik N, Madani A, Mottaghi A, Liu Y, Topol E, Dean J, Socher R. Deep learning-enabled medical computer vision. npj Digital Medicine 2021;4(1)
  13. Nguyen VT, Benchoufi M, Young B, Ghosn L, Ravaud P, Boutron I. A scoping review provided a framework for new ways of doing research through mobilizing collective intelligence. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2019;110:1
  14. Renn BN, Hoeft TJ, Lee HS, Bauer AM, Areán PA. Preference for in-person psychotherapy versus digital psychotherapy options for depression: survey of adults in the U.S. npj Digital Medicine 2019;2(1)
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  17. Desai A, Warner J, Kuderer N, Thompson M, Painter C, Lyman G, Lopes G. Crowdsourcing a crisis response for COVID-19 in oncology. Nature Cancer 2020;1(5):473
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  27. Geng Y, Huang P, Huang Y. Crowdsourcing in Nursing Education: A Possibility of Creating a Personalized Online Learning Environment for Student Nurses in the Post-COVID Era. Sustainability 2021;13(6):3413
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  34. Latkin C, Dayton L, Miller J, Eschliman E, Yang J, Jamison A, Kong X. Trusted information sources in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic predict vaccination uptake over one year later. Vaccine 2023;41(2):573
  35. Latkin C, Dayton L, Bonneau H, Bhaktaram A, Ross J, Pugel J, Latshaw MW. Perceived Barriers to Climate Change Activism Behaviors in the United States Among Individuals Highly Concerned about Climate Change. Journal of Prevention 2023;44(4):389
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  37. Dayton L, Song W, Kaloustian I, Eschliman E, Strickland J, Latkin C. A longitudinal study of COVID-19 disclosure stigma and COVID-19 testing hesitancy in the United States. Public Health 2022;212:14
  38. Cheng AC, Wen L, Li Y, Koyama T, Berry LD, Pal T, Friedman DL, Osterman TJ. Follow-up Interactive Long-Term Expert Ranking (FILTER): a crowdsourcing platform to adjudicate risk for survivorship care. JAMIA Open 2021;4(4)
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  41. Latkin C, Dayton L, Coyle C, Yi G, Winiker A, German D. The association between climate change attitudes and COVID-19 attitudes: The link is more than political ideology✰,✰✰,★. The Journal of Climate Change and Health 2022;5:100099
  42. Latkin C, Hendrickson Z, Dayton L, Bonneau H. Political and Social Drivers of COVID-19 Prevention and Climate Change Behaviors and Attitudes. Climate 2023;11(3):53
  43. Gaughan MR, Kwon M, Park E, Jungquist C. Nurses' Experience and Perception of Technology Use in Practice. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 2022;40(7):478
  44. Aguayo GA, Goetzinger C, Scibilia R, Fischer A, Seuring T, Tran V, Ravaud P, Bereczky T, Huiart L, Fagherazzi G. Methods to Generate Innovative Research Ideas and Improve Patient and Public Involvement in Modern Epidemiological Research: Review, Patient Viewpoint, and Guidelines for Implementation of a Digital Cohort Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(12):e25743
  45. Latkin C, Dayton L, Scherkoske M, Countess K, Thrul J. What predicts climate change activism?: An examination of how depressive symptoms, climate change distress, and social norms are associated with climate change activism. The Journal of Climate Change and Health 2022;8:100146
  46. Guo Y, Xie H, Miao Y, Wang C, Jia X. FedCrowd: A Federated and Privacy-Preserving Crowdsourcing Platform on Blockchain. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 2022;15(4):2060
  47. Han L, Tang W, Ritchwood T, Day S, Wei S, Bao H, John R, Kpokiri E, Mathanga D, Awor P, Juban N, Castro-Arroyave D, Ambil V, Xiong Y, Oppong E, Tucker J. Joint international consensus statement on crowdsourcing challenge contests in health and medicine: results of a modified Delphi process. BMJ Open 2021;11(11):e048699
  48. Latkin C, Dayton L, Miller J, Yi G, Balaban A, Boodram B, Uzzi M, Falade-Nwulia O. A longitudinal study of vaccine hesitancy attitudes and social influence as predictors of COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the US. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 2022;18(5)
  49. Schlicher KD, Schulte J, Reimann M, Maier GW. Flexible, Self-Determined… and Unhealthy? An Empirical Study on Somatic Health Among Crowdworkers. Frontiers in Psychology 2021;12
  50. Zhang C, Guo Y, Jia X, Wang C, Du H. Enabling Proxy-Free Privacy-Preserving and Federated Crowdsourcing by Using Blockchain. IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2021;8(8):6624
  51. Taylor CO, Flaks-Manov N, Ramesh S, Choe EK. Willingness to Share Wearable Device Data for Research Among Mechanical Turk Workers: Web-Based Survey Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(10):e19789
  52. Ghiringhelli C, Piras G, Arbia G, Mira A. Recursive Estimation of the Spatial Error Model. Geographical Analysis 2023;55(1):90
  53. Latkin C, Dayton L, Coyle C, Yi G, Lee D, Winiker A. The Relationship between Social Norms, Avoidance, Future Orientation, and Willingness to Engage in Climate Change Advocacy Communications. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021;18(24):13037
  54. Latkin CA, Dayton L, Lee D, Yi G, Uzzi M. Correlates of Levels of Willingness to Engage in Climate Change Actions in the United States. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021;18(17):9204
  55. Olsen RG, Genét MF, Konge L, Bjerrum F. Crowdsourced assessment of surgical skills: A systematic review. The American Journal of Surgery 2022;224(5):1229
  56. Silva GS, Schwamm LH. Advances in Stroke: Digital Health. Stroke 2022;53(3):1004
  57. Evans LA, Gomez O, Jiménez DJ, Williamson HJ, Carver AT, Parthasarathy S, Sabo S. Engaging Youth and Young Adults in the COVID-19 Pandemic Response via the “It’s Our Turn” Crowdsourcing Contest. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023;20(6):5112
  58. Schucht P, Mathis AM, Murek M, Zubak I, Goldberg J, Falk S, Raabe A. Exploring Novel Innovation Strategies to Close a Technology Gap in Neurosurgery: HORAO Crowdsourcing Campaign. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e42723
  59. Ben-Sasson A, Jacobs K, Ben-Sasson E. Early childhood tracking application: Correspondence between crowd-based developmental percentiles and clinical tools. Health Informatics Journal 2023;29(1):146045822311646
  60. Akbarpour M, Tawk K, Frank M, Gomez AS, Mostaghni N, Abouzari M. Assessment of laryngologists' ratings on physician review websites. World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 2024;10(1):1
  61. Rochette A, Thomas A, Salbach NM, Vachon B, Menon A, Poissant L, Boutin M, Grad R, Pluye P. Expected Health Benefits as the Ultimate Outcome of Information Available on Stroke Engine, a Knowledge Translation Stroke Rehabilitation Website: Web-Based Survey. JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies 2023;10:e44715
  62. Kuosmanen E, Huusko E, van Berkel N, Nunes F, Vega J, Goncalves J, Khamis M, Esteves A, Ferreira D, Hosio S. Exploring crowdsourced self-care techniques: A study on Parkinson’s disease. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 2023;177:103062
  63. Arbia G, Nardelli V. Using Web-Data to Estimate Spatial Regression Models. International Regional Science Review 2024;47(2):204
  64. Monaghan J, Backholer K, McKelvey A, Christidis R, Borda A, Calyx C, Crocetti A, Driessen C, Zorbas C. Citizen science approaches to crowdsourcing food environment data: A scoping review of the literature. Obesity Reviews 2023;24(11)
  65. DeSouza A, Wang D, Wong JJ, Furlan AD, Hogg-Johnson S, Macedo L, Mior S, Côté P. Prevalence of Unmet Rehabilitation Needs Among Canadians Living With Long-term Conditions or Disabilities During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2023;
  66. Sescleifer AM, Francoisse CA, Osborn TA, Rector JD, Lin AY. Seeing Cleft Lip from a New Angle: Crowdsourcing to Determine Whether Scar Severity or Lip Angle Matters More to the General Public. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2023;
  67. Konstantopoulos A, Dayton L, Latkin C. The politics of vaccination: a closer look at the beliefs, social norms, and prevention behaviors related to COVID-19 vaccine uptake within two US political parties. Psychology, Health & Medicine 2023;:1
  68. Zhang E, Trujillo R, Templeton JM, Poellabauer C. A Study on Mobile Crowd Sensing Systems for Healthcare Scenarios. IEEE Access 2023;11:140325
  69. Latkin CA, Dayton L, Winiker A, Countess K, Hendrickson ZM. ‘They Talk about the Weather, but No One Does Anything about It’: A Mixed-Methods Study of Everyday Climate Change Conversations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2024;21(3):279
  70. Ivanova D, Katsaounis P, Votis K. Increasing the Value of Real-World Crowdsourcing Health Data with e-MetaBio, a Novel Patient-Centric IT Infrastructure. Innovations in Digital Health, Diagnostics, and Biomarkers 2024;4(2024):15
  71. Vogt RL, Heck PR, Mestechkin RM, Heydari P, Chabris CF, Meyer MN. Aversion to pragmatic randomised controlled trials: three survey experiments with clinicians and laypeople in the USA. BMJ Open 2024;14(9):e084699

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