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Published on 02.11.16 in Vol 18, No 11 (2016): November

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Works citing "Can Mobile Phone Apps Influence People’s Health Behavior Change? An Evidence Review"

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  2. Sawares AS, Shen N, Xue Y, Abi-Jaoude A, Wiljer D. The Impact of Mobile Apps on Alcohol Use Disorder: A Systematic Review Protocol. JMIR Research Protocols 2017;6(4):e49
  3. Jones F, Whitehouse A, Dopson A, Palaghias N, Aldiss S, Gibson F, Shawe J. Reducing unintentional injuries in under fives: Development and testing of a mobile phone app. Child: Care, Health and Development 2020;46(2):203
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  104. Lee M, Lee H, Kim Y, Kim J, Cho M, Jang J, Jang H. Mobile App-Based Health Promotion Programs: A Systematic Review of the Literature. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018;15(12):2838
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