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Published on 24.10.13 in Vol 15, No 10 (2013): October

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Works citing "The Complex Relationship of Realspace Events and Messages in Cyberspace: Case Study of Influenza and Pertussis Using Tweets"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.2705):

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  1. Nagar R, Yuan Q, Freifeld CC, Santillana M, Nojima A, Chunara R, Brownstein JS. A Case Study of the New York City 2012-2013 Influenza Season With Daily Geocoded Twitter Data From Temporal and Spatiotemporal Perspectives. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2014;16(10):e236
  2. Kim I, Feng C, Wang Y, Spitzberg BH, Tsou M. Exploratory Spatiotemporal Analysis in Risk Communication during the MERS Outbreak in South Korea. The Professional Geographer 2017;69(4):629
  3. Wang Y, Fu X, Jiang W, Wang T, Tsou M, Ye X. Inferring urban air quality based on social media. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 2017;66:110
  4. Wang Y, Wang T, Ye X, Zhu J, Lee J. Using Social Media for Emergency Response and Urban Sustainability: A Case Study of the 2012 Beijing Rainstorm. Sustainability 2015;8(1):25
  5. Han SY, Tsou M, Clarke KC, Hernandez Montoya AR. Do Global Cities Enable Global Views? Using Twitter to Quantify the Level of Geographical Awareness of U.S. Cities. PLOS ONE 2015;10(7):e0132464
  6. Issa E, Tsou M, Nara A, Spitzberg B. Understanding the spatio-temporal characteristics of Twitter data with geotagged and non-geotagged content: two case studies with the topic of flu and Ted (movie). Annals of GIS 2017;23(3):219
  7. Gurajala S, Dhaniyala S, Matthews JN. Understanding Public Response to Air Quality Using Tweet Analysis. Social Media + Society 2019;5(3):205630511986765
  8. Yan S, Chughtai A, Macintyre C. Utility and potential of rapid epidemic intelligence from internet-based sources. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2017;63:77
  9. SPRECO A, ERIKSSON O, DAHLSTRÖM , TIMPKA T. Influenza detection and prediction algorithms: comparative accuracy trial in Östergötland county, Sweden, 2008–2012. Epidemiology and Infection 2017;145(10):2166
  10. Yin Z, Fabbri D, Rosenbloom ST, Malin B. A Scalable Framework to Detect Personal Health Mentions on Twitter. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2015;17(6):e138
  11. Seidenberg AB, Pagoto SL, Vickey TA, Linos E, Wehner MR, Costa RD, Geller AC. Tanning bed burns reported on Twitter: over 15,000 in 2013. Translational Behavioral Medicine 2016;6(2):271
  12. Zeraatkar K, Ahmadi M. Trends of infodemiology studies: a scoping review. Health Information & Libraries Journal 2018;35(2):91
  13. Generous N, Fairchild G, Deshpande A, Del Valle SY, Priedhorsky R, Salathé M. Global Disease Monitoring and Forecasting with Wikipedia. PLoS Computational Biology 2014;10(11):e1003892
  14. Lardon J, Bellet F, Aboukhamis R, Asfari H, Souvignet J, Jaulent M, Beyens M, Lillo-LeLouët A, Bousquet C. Evaluating Twitter as a complementary data source for pharmacovigilance. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety 2018;17(8):763
  15. Zhang Y, Bambrick H, Mengersen K, Tong S, Feng L, Zhang L, Liu G, Xu A, Hu W. Using big data to predict pertussis infections in Jinan city, China: a time series analysis. International Journal of Biometeorology 2020;64(1):95
  16. Broniatowski DA, Dredze M, Paul MJ, Dugas A. Using Social Media to Perform Local Influenza Surveillance in an Inner-City Hospital: A Retrospective Observational Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2015;1(1):e5
  17. . Trace of pace, place, and space in personal relationships: The chronogeometrics of studying relationships at scale. Personal Relationships 2019;26(2):184
  18. Nguyen QC, McCullough M, Meng H, Paul D, Li D, Kath S, Loomis G, Nsoesie EO, Wen M, Smith KR, Li F. Geotagged US Tweets as Predictors of County-Level Health Outcomes, 2015–2016. American Journal of Public Health 2017;107(11):1776
  19. Barros JM, Duggan J, Rebholz-Schuhmann D. The Application of Internet-Based Sources for Public Health Surveillance (Infoveillance): Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(3):e13680
  20. Tulloch JS, Vivancos R, Christley RM, Radford AD, Warner JC. Mapping tweets to a known disease epidemiology; a case study of Lyme disease in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2019;100:100060
  21. . Twitter and Health Science Research. Western Journal of Nursing Research 2015;37(10):1269
  22. Schwab-Reese LM, Hovdestad W, Tonmyr L, Fluke J. The potential use of social media and other internet-related data and communications for child maltreatment surveillance and epidemiological research: Scoping review and recommendations. Child Abuse & Neglect 2018;85:187
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  24. Padrez KA, Ungar L, Schwartz HA, Smith RJ, Hill S, Antanavicius T, Brown DM, Crutchley P, Asch DA, Merchant RM. Linking social media and medical record data: a study of adults presenting to an academic, urban emergency department. BMJ Quality & Safety 2016;25(6):414
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  26. Allen C, Tsou M, Aslam A, Nagel A, Gawron J, Ebrahimi M. Applying GIS and Machine Learning Methods to Twitter Data for Multiscale Surveillance of Influenza. PLOS ONE 2016;11(7):e0157734
  27. Cao G, Wang S, Hwang M, Padmanabhan A, Zhang Z, Soltani K. A scalable framework for spatiotemporal analysis of location-based social media data. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 2015;51:70
  28. Zhang AJ, Albrecht L, Scott SD. Using Twitter for Data Collection With Health-Care Consumers. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 2018;17(1):160940691775078
  29. . Toward A Model of Meme Diffusion (M3D). Communication Theory 2014;24(3):311
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  31. Jiang W, Wang Y, Tsou M, Fu X, Amaral LAN. Using Social Media to Detect Outdoor Air Pollution and Monitor Air Quality Index (AQI): A Geo-Targeted Spatiotemporal Analysis Framework with Sina Weibo (Chinese Twitter). PLOS ONE 2015;10(10):e0141185
  32. Gao Y, Wang S, Padmanabhan A, Yin J, Cao G. Mapping spatiotemporal patterns of events using social media: a case study of influenza trends. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 2018;32(3):425
  33. . A prospect for the geographical research of sport in the age of Big Data. Sport in Society 2020;23(1):159
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  49. . MonkeyPox2022Tweets: A Large-Scale Twitter Dataset on the 2022 Monkeypox Outbreak, Findings from Analysis of Tweets, and Open Research Questions. Infectious Disease Reports 2022;14(6):855
  50. Hammond A, Kim JJ, Sadler H, Vandemaele K. Influenza surveillance systems using traditional and alternative sources of data: A scoping review. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 2022;16(6):965
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  52. Li W, Haunert J, Knechtel J, Zhu J, Zhu Q, Dehbi Y. Social media insights on public perception and sentiment during and after disasters: The European floods in 2021 as a case study. Transactions in GIS 2023;27(6):1766
  53. Park J, Tsou M, Nara A, Cassels S, Dodge S. Developing a social sensing index for monitoring place-oriented mental health issues using social media (twitter) data. Urban Informatics 2024;3(1)

According to Crossref, the following books are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.2705):

  1. Samaras L, García-Barriocanal E, Sicilia M. Innovation in Health Informatics. 2020. :39
  2. Spitzberg BH, Tsou M, Jung C. The Handbook of Applied Communication Research. 2020. :163
  3. Nara A, Tsou M, Yang J, Huang C. Human Dynamics Research in Smart and Connected Communities. 2018. Chapter 12:223
  4. Xiong Y, He Y, Huang H, Yu C, Jing X. Signal and Information Processing, Networking and Computers. 2020. Chapter 10:78
  5. Yang J, Tsou M, Spitzberg B, An L, Gawron JM, Gupta D. CyberGIS for Geospatial Discovery and Innovation. 2019. Chapter 5:71
  6. Spitzberg BH, Tsou M, Gawron M. Communicating Science in Times of Crisis. 2021. :262
  7. Martinez LS, Tsou M, Spitzberg BH. Empowering Human Dynamics Research with Social Media and Geospatial Data Analytics. 2021. Chapter 11:203
  8. Yin Z, Ni C, Fabbri D, Rosenbloom ST, Malin B. Personal Health Informatics. 2022. Chapter 12:247