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Published on 03.11.11 in Vol 13, No 4 (2011): Oct-Dec

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Works citing "Effects of an eHealth Literacy Intervention for Older Adults"

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  1. Mouton A, Cloes M. Efficacy of a web-based, center-based or combined physical activity intervention among older adults. Health Education Research 2015;30(3):422
  2. Zager S, Haskins A, Maland K, Holt C. The Health and Libraries of Public Use Retrospective Study (HeLPURS). Health Information & Libraries Journal 2016;33(3):190
  3. PARK H, MOON M, BAEG JH. Association of eHealth Literacy With Cancer Information Seeking and Prior Experience With Cancer Screening. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 2014;32(9):458
  4. Watkins I, Xie B. eHealth Literacy Interventions for Older Adults: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2014;16(11):e225
  5. . Health literacy and libraries: a literature review. Reference Services Review 2016;44(2):191
  6. Mouton A, Cloes M. Web-based interventions to promote physical activity by older adults: promising perspectives for a public health challenge. Archives of Public Health 2013;71(1)
  7. Cho J, Kim S, Shin S, Yoo H, Park GH, Jeon E, Lee E, Lee H, Lee E. Hospitalized Patients Accessing Information on Prescribed Medications from the Bedside Terminal: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020;17(13):4850
  8. Park DY, Goering EM, Head KJ, Bartlett Ellis RJ. Implications for Training on Smartphone Medication Reminder App Use by Adults With Chronic Conditions: Pilot Study Applying the Technology Acceptance Model. JMIR Formative Research 2017;1(1):e5
  9. Nymberg VM, Bolmsjö BB, Wolff M, Calling S, Gerward S, Sandberg M. ‘Having to learn this so late in our lives…’ Swedish elderly patients’ beliefs, experiences, attitudes and expectations of e-health in primary health care. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2019;37(1):41
  10. Tubaishat A, Habiballah L. eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Education Today 2016;42:47
  11. Griebel L, Enwald H, Gilstad H, Pohl A, Moreland J, Sedlmayr M. eHealth literacy research—Quo vadis?. Informatics for Health and Social Care 2018;43(4):427
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  13. Freund O, Reychav I, McHaney R, Goland E, Azuri J. The ability of older adults to use customized online medical databases to improve their health-related knowledge. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2017;102:1
  14. Manafò E, Wong S. Assessing the eHealth Literacy Skills of Older Adults: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Consumer Health On the Internet 2012;16(4):369
  15. CHUNG S, NAHM E. Testing Reliability and Validity of the eHealth Literacy Scale (eHEALS) for Older Adults Recruited Online. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 2015;33(4):150
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  27. . An exploratory study of inactive health information seekers. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2015;84(2):119
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  29. . eHealth Literacy 2.0: Problems and Opportunities With an Evolving Concept. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2011;13(4):e125
  30. Watkins I, Kules B, Yuan X, Xie B. Heuristic Evaluation of Healthy Eating Apps for Older Adults. Journal of Consumer Health On the Internet 2014;18(2):105
  31. . Involving libraries in improving health literacy to achieve Sustainable Development Goal‐3 in developing economies: a literature review. Health Information & Libraries Journal 2019;36(2):111
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  60. . Improving older adults' e-health literacy through computer training using NIH online resources. Library & Information Science Research 2012;34(1):63
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  68. van der Vaart R, Drossaert C. Development of the Digital Health Literacy Instrument: Measuring a Broad Spectrum of Health 1.0 and Health 2.0 Skills. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(1):e27
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  70. Dale JG, Lüthi A, Fundingsland Skaraas B, Rundereim T, Dale B.

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    . Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 2020;Volume 13:241
  71. Neter E, Brainin E. eHealth Literacy: Extending the Digital Divide to the Realm of Health Information. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2012;14(1):e19
  72. Milne RA, Puts MTE, Papadakos J, Le LW, Milne VC, Hope AJ, Catton P, Giuliani ME. Predictors of High eHealth Literacy in Primary Lung Cancer Survivors. Journal of Cancer Education 2015;30(4):685
  73. Young L, Barnason S, Do V. Promoting self-management through adherence among heart failure patients discharged from rural hospitals: a study protocol. F1000Research 2015;3:317
  74. Choi NG, DiNitto DM. Internet Use Among Older Adults: Association With Health Needs, Psychological Capital, and Social Capital. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2013;15(5):e97
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  76. . eHealth Literacy and Older Adults. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation 2013;29(2):116
  77. Park H, Lee E. Self-reported eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students in South Korea: A pilot study. Nurse Education Today 2015;35(2):408
  78. . Patient Perspectives on Online Health Information and Communication With Doctors: A Qualitative Study of Patients 50 Years Old and Over. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2015;17(1):e19
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