Published on in Vol 16, No 3 (2014): March

Tailored and Integrated Web-Based Tools for Improving Psychosocial Outcomes of Cancer Patients: The DoTTI Development Framework

Tailored and Integrated Web-Based Tools for Improving Psychosocial Outcomes of Cancer Patients: The DoTTI Development Framework

Tailored and Integrated Web-Based Tools for Improving Psychosocial Outcomes of Cancer Patients: The DoTTI Development Framework

Rochelle Smits   1 , BPsych(Hons) ;   Jamie Bryant   1 , BPsych(Hons), PhD ;   Rob Sanson-Fisher   1 , BPsych(Hons), ClinMPsych, PhD ;   Flora Tzelepis   1 , BSc(Psych)(Hons), PhD ;   Frans Henskens   1, 2 , BMath, DipEd, DipCompSc, PhD ;   Christine Paul   1 , BPsych(Hons), PhD ;   William Stevenson   3 , BSc(Med), MBBS, FRACP, FRCPA, PhD

1 Priority Research Centre for Health Behaviour, University of Newcastle & Hunter Medical Research Institute, Callaghan, Australia

2 School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia

3 Department of Haematology, Royal North Shore Hospital, University of Sydney, St Leonards, Australia

Corresponding Author:

  • Rochelle Smits, BPsych(Hons)
  • Priority Research Centre for Health Behaviour
  • University of Newcastle & Hunter Medical Research Institute
  • HMRI Building
  • University of Newcastle
  • Callaghan, 2308
  • Australia
  • Phone: 61 2 4042 0700
  • Fax: 61 2 4042 0044
  • Email: