Theme Issue on E-Mental Health: A Growing Field in Internet Research

Theme Issue on E-Mental Health: A Growing Field in Internet Research

Theme Issue on E-Mental Health: A Growing Field in Internet Research

Heleen Riper   1, 2 , PhD ;   Gerhard Andersson   3 , PhD ;   Helen Christensen   4 , PhD ;   Pim Cuijpers   1 , PhD ;   Alfred Lange   5 , PhD ;   Gunther Eysenbach   6, 7 , MD MPH

1 EMGO Institute of Health and Care Research, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands

2 GGZ inGeest, Amsterdam, Netherlands

3 Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Linköping, Sweden

4 The Australian National University, Centre for Mental Health Research, Canberra, Australia

5 University of Amsterdam, Department of Clinical Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherlands

6 University of Toronto, Department of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation, Toronto, ON, Canada

7 University Health Network, Consumer Health & Public Health Informatics Lab, Toronto, ON, Canada

Corresponding Author:

  • Heleen Riper, PhD
  • EMGO Institute of Health and Care Research
  • VU University Amsterdam
  • Van der Boechorststraat 1
  • Amsterdam, 1081 BT
  • Netherlands
  • Phone: 31 681767504
  • Fax: 31 205982619
  • Email: