Facebook for Scientists: Requirements and Services for Optimizing How Scientific Collaborations Are Established

Facebook for Scientists: Requirements and Services for Optimizing How Scientific Collaborations Are Established

Facebook for Scientists: Requirements and Services for Optimizing How Scientific Collaborations Are Established


  1. Schleyer T, Butler B, Song M, Spallek H. Conceptualizing and advancing research networking systems. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 2012;19(1):1 View
  2. Machado N, Gomide H, Bernardino H, Ronzani T. Facebook recruitment of smokers: comparing gain- and loss-framed ads for the purposes of an Internet-based smoking cessation intervention. Cadernos de Saúde Pública 2019;35(10) View
  3. Belda Lozano R, Ferrer Márquez M, García Torrecillas J, Alvarez García A, Reina Duarte A. Surgeon 2.0: The Challenge Is on the Web. Cirugía Española (English Edition) 2013;91(6):358 View
  4. Cimenler O, Reeves K, Skvoretz J. An evaluation of collaborative research in a college of engineering. Journal of Informetrics 2015;9(3):577 View
  5. Schleyer T, Thyvalikakath T, Spallek H, Dziabiak M, Johnson L. From Information Technology to Informatics: The Information Revolution in Dental Education. Journal of Dental Education 2012;76(1):142 View
  6. Weber G, Barnett W, Conlon M, Eichmann D, Kibbe W, Falk-Krzesinski H, Halaas M, Johnson L, Meeks E, Mitchell D, Schleyer T, Stallings S, Warden M, Kahlon M. Direct2Experts: a pilot national network to demonstrate interoperability among research-networking platforms. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2011;18(Supplement 1):i157 View
  7. Salazar E, Paredes L, Obando I, Ourcillleón A. Uso de las bases de datos científicas en estudiantes de enfermería, factores influyentes. Enfermería Universitaria 2019;16(3) View
  8. Aarts J, van den Haak P, Nelen W, Tuil W, Faber M, Kremer J. Patient-focused Internet interventions in reproductive medicine: a scoping review. Human Reproduction Update 2012;18(2):211 View
  9. Tillmann T, Gibson A, Scott G, Harrison O, Dominiczak A, Hanlon P. Systems Medicine 2.0: Potential Benefits of Combining Electronic Health Care Records With Systems Science Models. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2015;17(3):e64 View
  10. Boudry C. « Biologie/médecine 2.0 » : état des lieux. médecine/sciences 2012;28(6-7):653 View
  11. Caers R, De Feyter T, De Couck M, Stough T, Vigna C, Du Bois C. Facebook: A literature review. New Media & Society 2013;15(6):982 View
  12. Jeng W, He D, Jiang J. User participation in an academic social networking service: A survey of open group users on Mendeley. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 2015;66(5):890 View
  13. Deisboeck T, Sagotsky J. Professional Networks in the Life Sciences: Linking the Linked. Cancer Informatics 2010;9:CIN.S5371 View
  14. Kahlon M, Yuan L, Daigre J, Meeks E, Nelson K, Piontkowski C, Reuter K, Sak R, Turner B, Weber G, Chatterjee A. The Use and Significance of a Research Networking System. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2014;16(2):e46 View
  15. Baker P, Bricout J, Moon N, Coughlan B, Pater J. Communities of participation: A comparison of disability and aging identified groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. Telematics and Informatics 2013;30(1):22 View
  16. Farrell A, Mayer S, Rethlefsen M. Teaching Web 2.0 Beyond the Library:Adventures in Social Media, the Class. Medical Reference Services Quarterly 2011;30(3):233 View
  17. Bermúdez-Tamayo C, Alba-Ruiz R, Jiménez-Pernett J, García Gutiérrez J, Traver-Salcedo V, Yubraham-Sánchez D. Use of Social Media by Spanish Hospitals: Perceptions, Difficulties, and Success Factors. Telemedicine and e-Health 2013;19(2):137 View
  18. Bhavnani S, Warden M, Zheng K, Hill M, Athey B. Researchers’ Needs for Resource Discovery and Collaboration Tools: A Qualitative Investigation of Translational Scientists. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2012;14(3):e75 View
  19. Long J, Hibbert P, Braithwaite J. Structuring successful collaboration: a longitudinal social network analysis of a translational research network. Implementation Science 2015;11(1) View
  20. Staley J, McCallum V. Research Collaboration Tools: A Resource Guide for Medical Librarians. Journal of Hospital Librarianship 2010;10(1):88 View
  21. Bozinovich L, Ramaprasad A, Velebit M. Interactive Collaboration Development System for Biomedical Research in a University. SSRN Electronic Journal 2009 View
  22. Jung J. Understanding information propagation on online social tagging systems: a case study on Flickr. Quality & Quantity 2014;48(2):745 View
  23. Quek S, Ng H. The social journal. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2016;25(4):199 View
  24. He D, Jeng W. Scholarly Collaboration on the Academic Social Web. Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services 2016;8(1):1 View
  25. Long J, Pomare C, Best S, Boughtwood T, North K, Ellis L, Churruca K, Braithwaite J. Building a learning community of Australian clinical genomics: a social network study of the Australian Genomic Health Alliance. BMC Medicine 2019;17(1) View
  26. Struhal W, Falup‐Pecurariu C, Sztriha L, Sellner J. The European association of young neurologists and trainees: advocating young neurologists in Europe. European Journal of Neurology 2009;16(8) View
  27. Yegani M. Online professional networking: An effective interactive tool. Poultry Science 2009;88(9):2014 View
  28. Tamayo C. Nuevos canales de comunicación a través de la red social: ¡hazte persona “amiga” y “seguidora” de Gaceta Sanitaria!. Gaceta Sanitaria 2011;25(6):448 View
  29. Nattestad A. Knowledge management systems for oral health in developing and developed countries. Periodontology 2000 2012;60(1):156 View
  30. Turner T, Steele E, Mavergames C, Elliott J. Facilitating Web-Based Collaboration in Evidence Synthesis (TaskExchange): Development and Analysis. JMIR Research Protocols 2018;7(12):e188 View
  31. Lagares-Lemos Á, Lagares-Lemos M, Colomo-Palacios R, García-Crespo Á, Gómez-Berbís J. DISMON. Journal of Information Technology Research 2011;4(1):48 View
  32. Chaiwanarom P, Lursinsap C. Collaborator recommendation in interdisciplinary computer science using degrees of collaborative forces, temporal evolution of research interest, and comparative seniority status. Knowledge-Based Systems 2015;75:161 View
  33. Gray K, Bright G, Cheng A. Human Factors in Four Cases of E-Collaboration in Biomedical Research. International Journal of e-Collaboration 2012;8(2):14 View
  34. Lohse B. Facebook Is an Effective Strategy to Recruit Low-income Women to Online Nutrition Education. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 2013;45(1):69 View
  35. Borromeo C, Schleyer T, Becich M, Hochheiser H. Finding Collaborators: Toward Interactive Discovery Tools for Research Network Systems. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2014;16(11):e244 View
  36. Nam K, Fry G. Re-Imagining Internet Scholarship: Academic Uses and Abuses of the Influential Internet Social Network, Facebook. E-Learning and Digital Media 2012;9(2):157 View
  37. Belda Lozano R, Ferrer Márquez M, García Torrecillas J, Alvarez García A, Reina Duarte A. Cirujano 2.0: el reto está en la red. Cirugía Española 2013;91(6):358 View
  38. Gu L, Skierkowski D, Florin P, Friend K, Ye Y. Facebook, Twitter, & Qr codes: An exploratory trial examining the feasibility of social media mechanisms for sample recruitment. Computers in Human Behavior 2016;60:86 View
  39. Eysenbach G. Medicine 2.0: Social Networking, Collaboration, Participation, Apomediation, and Openness. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2008;10(3):e22 View
  40. Farmer A, Bruckner Holt C, Cook M, Hearing S. Social networking sites: a novel portal for communication. Postgraduate Medical Journal 2009;85(1007):455 View
  41. Bester E. L'offre de réseaux socio numériques pour les scientifiques : services et stratégies d'acteurs. Les Enjeux de l'information et de la communication 2015;n° 15/1(1):17 View
  42. Freeman B, Chapman S. British American Tobacco on Facebook: undermining article 13 of the global World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Tobacco Control 2010;19(3):e1 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Gray K, Sanchez F, Bright G, Cheng A. Remote Work and Collaboration. View
  2. Smith S. Electronic Visualisation in Arts and Culture. View
  3. Lagares-Lemos Á, Lagares-Lemos M, Colomo-Palacios R, García-Crespo Á, Gómez-Berbís J. Interdisciplinary Advances in Information Technology Research. View
  4. Mohapatra A. Information Resources in Toxicology. View
  5. Weber G, Yuan L. Strategies for Team Science Success. View
  6. Reimann P, Markauskaite L. New Science of Learning. View
  7. Simon F, Menvielle L, Salvadore M, Meurgey F. The Digitization of Healthcare. View
  8. Rodríguez-González A, García-Crespo Á, Colomo-Palacios R, Labra-Gayo J, Berbís J. Semantic Web Personalization and Context Awareness. View
  9. Gray K, Sanchez F, Bright G, Cheng A. Advancing Medical Practice through Technology. View