Online Health Behavior and Disease Management Programs: Are We Ready for Them? Are They Ready for Us?

Online Health Behavior and Disease Management Programs: Are We Ready for Them? Are They Ready for Us?

Online Health Behavior and Disease Management Programs: Are We Ready for Them? Are They Ready for Us?


  1. Mevissen F, Ruiter R, Meertens R, Zimbile F, Schaalma H. Justify your love: Testing an online STI-risk communication intervention designed to promote condom use and STI-testing. Psychology & Health 2011;26(2):205 View
  2. Schneider F, van Osch L, Schulz D, Kremers S, de Vries H. The Influence of User Characteristics and a Periodic Email Prompt on Exposure to an Internet-Delivered Computer-Tailored Lifestyle Program. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2012;14(2):e40 View
  3. Stanczyk N, Bolman C, Smit E, Candel M, Muris J, de Vries H. How to encourage smokers to participate in web-based computer-tailored smoking cessation programs: a comparison of different recruitment strategies. Health Education Research 2014;29(1):23 View
  4. Casajuana Kögel C, Cofiño R, López M. Evaluación del Observatorio de Salud de Asturias: métricas de web y redes sociales, y opinión de los profesionales de la salud. Gaceta Sanitaria 2014;28(3):183 View
  5. Crutzen R, de Nooijer J, Brouwer W, Oenema A, Brug J, de Vries N. Effectiveness of online word of mouth on exposure to an Internet-delivered intervention. Psychology & Health 2009;24(6):651 View
  6. Crutzen R, de Nooijer J, Brouwer W, Oenema A, Brug J, de Vries N. Strategies to Facilitate Exposure to Internet-Delivered Health Behavior Change Interventions Aimed at Adolescents or Young Adults: A Systematic Review. Health Education & Behavior 2011;38(1):49 View
  7. Walker L, Im E, Vaughan M. New Mothers' Interest in Web-Based Health Promotion: Association with Healthcare Barriers, Risk Status, and User Characteristics. Telemedicine and e-Health 2012;18(10):785 View
  8. Crutzen R, de Nooijer J, Candel M, de Vries N. Adolescents Who Intend to Change Multiple Health Behaviours Choose Greater Exposure to an Internet-delivered Intervention. Journal of Health Psychology 2008;13(7):906 View
  9. Aarts J, van den Haak P, Nelen W, Tuil W, Faber M, Kremer J. Patient-focused Internet interventions in reproductive medicine: a scoping review. Human Reproduction Update 2012;18(2):211 View
  10. Pettus A, Mendez-Luck C, Bergeron C, Ahn S, Towne S, Ory M, Smith M. Internet-Based Resources for Disease Self-Care Among Middle-Aged and Older Women with Chronic Conditions. Journal of Women's Health 2017;26(3):222 View
  11. Jacobs N, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Claes N. Surfing depth on a behaviour change website: Predictors and effects on behaviour. Informatics for Health and Social Care 2010;35(2):41 View
  12. Brown L, Lustria M, Rankins J. A Review of Web-Assisted Interventions for Diabetes Management: Maximizing the Potential for Improving Health Outcomes. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 2007;1(6):892 View
  13. Curry S. eHealth Research and Healthcare Delivery. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2007;32(5):S127 View
  14. Kroeze W, Oenema A, Campbell M, Brug J. Comparison of Use and Appreciation of a Print-Delivered Versus CD-ROM-Delivered, Computer-Tailored Intervention Targeting Saturated Fat Intake: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2008;10(2):e12 View
  15. Bewick B, Trusler K, Barkham M, Hill A, Cahill J, Mulhern B. The effectiveness of web-based interventions designed to decrease alcohol consumption — A systematic review. Preventive Medicine 2008;47(1):17 View
  16. Poelman M, Steenhuis I, de Vet E, Seidell J. The Development and Evaluation of an Internet-Based Intervention to Increase Awareness About Food Portion Sizes: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 2013;45(6):701 View
  17. Walthouwer M, Oenema A, Lechner L, de Vries H. Comparing a Video and Text Version of a Web-Based Computer-Tailored Intervention for Obesity Prevention: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2015;17(10):e236 View
  18. Simkin-Silverman L, Conroy M, Bhargava T, McTigue K. Development of an Online Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Intervention Coaching Protocol for Use in Primary Care Practice. The Diabetes Educator 2011;37(2):263 View
  19. Schulz D, Candel M, Kremers S, Reinwand D, Jander A, de Vries H. Effects of a Web-Based Tailored Intervention to Reduce Alcohol Consumption in Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2013;15(9):e206 View
  20. Kerr C, Murray E, Stevenson F, Gore C, Nazareth I. Internet Interventions for Long-Term Conditions: Patient and Caregiver Quality Criteria. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2006;8(3):e13 View
  21. Schneider F, van Osch L, Kremers S, Schulz D, van Adrichem M, de Vries H. Optimizing diffusion of an online computer tailored lifestyle program: a study protocol. BMC Public Health 2011;11(1) View
  22. Fleisher L, Kandadai V, Keenan E, Miller S, Devarajan K, Ruth K, Rodoletz M, Bieber E, Weinberg D. Build It, and Will They Come? Unexpected Findings From a Study on a Web-Based Intervention to Improve Colorectal Cancer Screening. Journal of Health Communication 2012;17(1):41 View
  23. Couper M, Peytchev A, Strecher V, Rothert K, Anderson J. Following Up Nonrespondents to an Online Weight Management Intervention: Randomized Trial Comparing Mail versus Telephone. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2007;9(2):e16 View
  24. Whitten P, Kreps G, Eastin M. Creating a Framework for Online Cancer Services Research to Facilitate Timely and Interdisciplinary Applications. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2005;7(3):e34 View
  25. Craig Lefebvre R, Tada Y, Hilfiker S, Baur C. The Assessment of User Engagement with eHealth Content: The eHealth Engagement Scale1. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 2010;15(4):666 View
  26. Vandelanotte C, Spathonis K, Eakin E, Owen N. Website-Delivered Physical Activity Interventions. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2007;33(1):54 View
  27. Van 't Riet J, Crutzen R, De Vries H. Investigating Predictors of Visiting, Using, and Revisiting an Online Health-Communication Program: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2010;12(3):e37 View
  28. Mina S, Verma R, Balhara Y, Ul-Hasan S. Road Rage: Prevalence Pattern and Web Based Survey Feasibility. Psychiatry Journal 2014;2014:1 View
  29. Iloabachie C, Wells C, Goodwin B, Baldwin M, Vanderplough-Booth K, Gladstone T, Murray M, Fogel J, Van Voorhees B. Adolescent and parent experiences with a primary care/Internet-based depression prevention intervention (CATCH-IT). General Hospital Psychiatry 2011;33(6):543 View
  30. Schulz D, Schneider F, de Vries H, van Osch L, van Nierop P, Kremers S. Program Completion of a Web-Based Tailored Lifestyle Intervention for Adults: Differences between a Sequential and a Simultaneous Approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2012;14(2):e26 View
  31. Brouwer W, Oenema A, Raat H, Crutzen R, de Nooijer J, de Vries N, Brug J. Characteristics of visitors and revisitors to an Internet-delivered computer-tailored lifestyle intervention implemented for use by the general public. Health Education Research 2010;25(4):585 View
  32. Soetens K, Vandelanotte C, de Vries H, Mummery K. Using Online Computer Tailoring to Promote Physical Activity: A Randomized Trial of Text, Video, and Combined Intervention Delivery Modes. Journal of Health Communication 2014;19(12):1377 View
  33. Tait R, Christensen H. Internet‐based interventions for young people with problematic substance use: a systematic review. Medical Journal of Australia 2010;192(S11) View
  34. Schneider F, van Osch L, de Vries H. Identifying Factors for Optimal Development of Health-Related Websites: A Delphi Study Among Experts and Potential Future Users. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2012;14(1):e18 View
  35. Lisetti C, Amini R, Yasavur U. Now All Together: Overview of Virtual Health Assistants Emulating Face-to-Face Health Interview Experience. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz 2015;29(2):161 View
  36. Crutzen R, de Nooijer J, Brouwer W, Oenema A, Brug J, de Vries N. Qualitative assessment of adolescents' views about improving exposure to internet‐delivered interventions. Health Education 2008;108(2):105 View
  37. Finkelstein J, Lapshin O, Cha E. Feasibility of Promoting Smoking Cessation Among Methadone Users Using Multimedia Computer-Assisted Education. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2008;10(5):e33 View
  38. Gladstone T, Marko-Holguin M, Rothberg P, Nidetz J, Diehl A, DeFrino D, Harris M, Ching E, Eder M, Canel J, Bell C, Beardslee W, Brown C, Griffiths K, Van Voorhees B. An internet-based adolescent depression preventive intervention: study protocol for a randomized control trial. Trials 2015;16(1) View
  39. Crutzen R, de Nooijer J, Brouwer W, Oenema A, Brug J, de Vries N. A conceptual framework for understanding and improving adolescents' exposure to Internet-delivered interventions. Health Promotion International 2009;24(3):277 View
  40. Mevissen F, Eiling E, Bos A, Tempert B, Mientjes M, Schaalma H. Evaluation of the Dutch AIDS STI information helpline: Differential outcomes of telephone versus online counseling. Patient Education and Counseling 2012;88(2):218 View
  41. Schneider F, Schulz D, Pouwels L, de Vries H, van Osch L. The use of a proactive dissemination strategy to optimize reach of an internet-delivered computer tailored lifestyle intervention. BMC Public Health 2013;13(1) View
  42. Gladstone T, Marko-Holguin M, Henry J, Fogel J, Diehl A, Van Voorhees B. Understanding Adolescent Response to a Technology-Based Depression Prevention Program. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 2014;43(1):102 View
  43. Gladstone T, Rintell L, Buchholz K, Myers T. Adaptation of an Evidence-Based Online Depression Prevention Intervention for College Students: Intervention Development and Pilot Study Results. Social Sciences 2021;10(10):398 View
  44. Piette J. Interactive Behavior Change Technology to Support Diabetes Self-Management. Diabetes Care 2007;30(10):2425 View
  45. Saperstein S, Atkinson N, Gold R. The impact of Internet use for weight loss. Obesity Reviews 2007;8(5):459 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. A. Cunningham J. Translation of Addictions Science Into Practice. View