Published on in Vol 7, No 2 (2005):

Shoestring Budgets, Band-Aids, and Team Work: Challenges and Motivators in the Development of a Web-Based Resource for Undergraduate Clinical Skills Teaching

Shoestring Budgets, Band-Aids, and Team Work: Challenges and Motivators in the Development of a Web-Based Resource for Undergraduate Clinical Skills Teaching

Shoestring Budgets, Band-Aids, and Team Work: Challenges and Motivators in the Development of a Web-Based Resource for Undergraduate Clinical Skills Teaching

Authors of this article:

Collan Simmons ;   Joyce Nyhof-Young ;   John Bradley

Collan Simmons   , BSc, MD ;   Joyce Nyhof-Young   , BSc, MSc, PhD ;   John Bradley   , BSc, MD, FRCP(C)

Corresponding Author:

  • John Bradley, BSc, MD, FRCP(C)