Published on in Vol 6, No 3 (2004):

Internet Versus Mailed Questionnaires: A Randomized Comparison

Internet Versus Mailed Questionnaires: A Randomized Comparison

Internet Versus Mailed Questionnaires: A Randomized Comparison

Authors of this article:

Philip Ritter ;   Kate Lorig ;   Diana Laurent ;   Katy Matthews


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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Schneider S, Davies S, Lyneham H. Handbook of Rural School Mental Health. View
  2. Kahila M, Kyttä M. Planning Support Systems Best Practice and New Methods. View
  3. Fouladi R. Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. View
  4. Buenaver L, Edwards R, Haythornthwaite J. Chronic Abdominal and Visceral Pain. View
  5. Beukes E, Andersson G, Manchaiah V, Allen P, Baguley D. Tele-Audiology and the Optimization of Hearing Healthcare Delivery. View
  6. Beukes E, Andersson G, Manchaiah V, Allen P, Baguley D. Research Anthology on Telemedicine Efficacy, Adoption, and Impact on Healthcare Delivery. View
  7. Linden T, Fisher R. Current and Future Trends in Health and Medical Informatics. View
  8. Fouladi R. Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. View