%0 Journal Article %@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR Publications %V 27 %N %P e59922 %T Virtual Reality Interventions and Chronic Pain: Scoping Review %A Ding,Michael E %A Traiba,Hajar %A Perez,Hector R %+ Department of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center, 3300 Kossuth Avenue, Bronx, NY, United States, 1 7189205756, heperez@montefiore.org %K virtual reality %K chronic pain %K scoping review %K pain management %K efficacy %K anxiety disorders %K mood %K health condition %K health intervention %K adults %K aging %K therapeutic %K descriptive–analytical method %K monitoring %K US %K PRISMA %D 2025 %7 18.2.2025 %9 Review %J J Med Internet Res %G English %X Background: Virtual reality (VR) interventions have demonstrated efficacy for more than a decade for mood and anxiety disorders and emerging evidence suggests they can reduce pain symptoms in both acute and chronic pain. More recently, these interventions have abounded within the commercial and academic sectors, immersing participants within a virtual environment to confer health benefits to users. VR immersion can facilitate the delivery of health interventions by isolating participants from distractors and stressors in a therapeutic environment. While recent studies of VR interventions have exploded, they are not uniform in approach or device type, limiting generalizability. Recent scoping reviews on VR and chronic pain have focused on specific diseases or limited inquiries to specific interventions or study types. Objective: We conducted a scoping review to generate new knowledge about the sum total of VR studies on chronic pain with specific emphasis on the methods and results of each study, including (1) the type of interventions, (2) outcomes chosen, (3) samples studied, and (4) data generated. Methods: A scoping review was performed on the literature on VR and chronic pain to describe themes associated with the literature to date and identify important gaps and unanswered questions to guide future research. CINAHL [EBSCO] (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) and PubMed were queried for the terms “virtual reality” and “pain,” providing studies of chronic pain adult participants using VR delivered through headset displays. We included English-language manuscripts that had at least one VR intervention arm with adults with chronic pain. For this analysis, we only included VR interventions that were immersive (ie, using headsets). Non–study reports, studies with no specific chronic pain component, those not involving adults, and those using VR as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation program were excluded. A descriptive analytical method was used to extract data, compare studies, and contextualize the presented outcomes. Articles were categorized into several themes including the type of intervention, outcomes chosen, participant characteristics, degree to which immersion was achieved, and adverse effect monitoring and reporting. Results: A total of 36 articles were included in our analysis. We summarize the literature using 5 themes: (1) heterogeneity of chronic pain types, (2) highly variable intervention types, (3) highly variable secondary and exploratory outcomes, (4) immersion was highly variable between studies and not systemically explored in many articles, and (5) side effect monitoring was limited. Conclusions: The literature on VR in chronic pain is highly variable and lacks theoretical rigor. While there is emerging evidence that supports VR use in a wide variety of health conditions including chronic pain, future research should focus on producing theoretically rigorous work that focuses on mechanisms and that systematically assesses side effects to generate robust generalizable knowledge. %R 10.2196/59922 %U https://www.jmir.org/2025/1/e59922 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/59922