%0 Journal Article %@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR Publications %V 26 %N %P e47311 %T Cybersecurity Interventions in Health Care Organizations in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Scoping Review %A Hasegawa,Kaede %A O'Brien,Niki %A Prendergast,Mabel %A Ajah,Chris Agape %A Neves,Ana Luisa %A Ghafur,Saira %+ Institute of Global Health Innovation, Imperial College London, 10th Floor, St Mary's Hospital, Praed Street, London, W2 1NY, United Kingdom, 44 020 7594 1419, n.obrien@imperial.ac.uk %K computer security %K internet security %K network security %K digital health %K digital health technology %K cybersecurity %K health data %K global health %K security %K data science %K LMIC %K low income %K low resource %K scoping review %K review methodology %K implementation %K barrier %K facilitator %D 2024 %7 20.11.2024 %9 Review %J J Med Internet Res %G English %X Background: Health care organizations globally have seen a significant increase in the frequency of cyberattacks in recent years. Cyberattacks cause massive disruptions to health service delivery and directly impact patient safety through disruption and treatment delays. Given the increasing number of cyberattacks in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), there is a need to explore the interventions put in place to plan for cyberattacks and develop cyber resilience. Objective: This study aimed to describe cybersecurity interventions, defined as any intervention to improve cybersecurity in a health care organization, including but not limited to organizational strategy(ies); policy(ies); protocol(s), incident plan(s), or assessment process(es); framework(s) or guidelines; and emergency planning, implemented in LMICs to date and to evaluate their impact on the likelihood and impact of attacks. The secondary objective was to describe the main barriers and facilitators for the implementation of such interventions, where reported. Methods: A systematic search of the literature published between January 2017 and July 2024 was performed on Ovid Medline, Embase, Global Health, and Scopus using a combination of controlled terms and free text. A search of the gray literature within the same time parameters was undertaken on the websites of relevant stakeholder organizations to identify possible additional studies that met the inclusion criteria. Findings from included papers were mapped against the dimensions of the Essentials of Cybersecurity in Health Care Organizations (ECHO) framework and presented as a narrative synthesis. Results: We included 20 studies in this review. The sample size of the majority of studies (13/20, 65%) was 1 facility to 5 facilities, and the studies were conducted in 14 countries. Studies were categorized into the thematic dimensions of the ECHO framework, including context; governance; organizational strategy; risk management; awareness, education, and training; and technical capabilities. Few studies (6/20, 30%) discussed cybersecurity intervention(s) as the primary focus of the paper; therefore, information on intervention(s) implemented had to be deduced. There was no attempt to report on the impact and outcomes in all papers except one. Facilitators and barriers identified were grouped and presented across national or regional, organizational, and individual staff levels. Conclusions: This scoping review’s findings highlight the limited body of research published on cybersecurity interventions implemented in health care organizations in LMICs and large heterogeneity across existing studies in interventions, research objectives, methods, and outcome measures used. Although complex and challenging, future research should specifically focus on the evaluation of cybersecurity interventions and their impact in order to build a robust evidence base to inform evidence-based policy and practice. %R 10.2196/47311 %U https://www.jmir.org/2024/1/e47311 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/47311