%0 Journal Article %@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR Publications %V 25 %N %P e48000 %T Mapping Factors That Affect the Uptake of Digital Therapeutics Within Health Systems: Scoping Review %A van Kessel,Robin %A Roman-Urrestarazu,Andres %A Anderson,Michael %A Kyriopoulos,Ilias %A Field,Samantha %A Monti,Giovanni %A Reed,Shelby D %A Pavlova,Milena %A Wharton,George %A Mossialos,Elias %+ LSE Health, Department of Health Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, WC2A 2AE, United Kingdom, 44 7772 707841, e.a.mossialos@lse.ac.uk %K digital health %K uptake %K implementation %K adoption %K framework %K digital therapeutics %K scoping review %K thematic analysis %K digital medicine %K policy %D 2023 %7 25.7.2023 %9 Review %J J Med Internet Res %G English %X Background: Digital therapeutics are patient-facing digital health interventions that can significantly alter the health care landscape. Despite digital therapeutics being used to successfully treat a range of conditions, their uptake in health systems remains limited. Understanding the full spectrum of uptake factors is essential to identify ways in which policy makers and providers can facilitate the adoption of effective digital therapeutics within a health system, as well as the steps developers can take to assist in the deployment of products. Objective: In this review, we aimed to map the most frequently discussed factors that determine the integration of digital therapeutics into health systems and practical use of digital therapeutics by patients and professionals. Methods: A scoping review was conducted in MEDLINE, Web of Science, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and Google Scholar. Relevant data were extracted and synthesized using a thematic analysis. Results: We identified 35,541 academic and 221 gray literature reports, with 244 (0.69%) included in the review, covering 35 countries. Overall, 85 factors that can impact the uptake of digital therapeutics were extracted and pooled into 5 categories: policy and system, patient characteristics, properties of digital therapeutics, characteristics of health professionals, and outcomes. The need for a regulatory framework for digital therapeutics was the most stated factor at the policy level. Demographic characteristics formed the most iterated patient-related factor, whereas digital literacy was considered the most important factor for health professionals. Among the properties of digital therapeutics, their interoperability across the broader health system was most emphasized. Finally, the ability to expand access to health care was the most frequently stated outcome measure. Conclusions: The map of factors developed in this review offers a multistakeholder approach to recognizing the uptake factors of digital therapeutics in the health care pathway and provides an analytical tool for policy makers to assess their health system’s readiness for digital therapeutics. %M 37490322 %R 10.2196/48000 %U https://www.jmir.org/2023/1/e48000 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/48000 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/37490322