@Article{info:doi/10.2196/jmir.3259, author="Gabarron, Elia and Serrano, J Artur and Wynn, Rolf and Lau, Annie YS", title="Tweet Content Related to Sexually Transmitted Diseases: No Joking Matter", journal="J Med Internet Res", year="2014", month="Oct", day="06", volume="16", number="10", pages="e228", keywords="Internet; chlamydia; HIV; Twitter messaging", abstract="Background: Online social media, such as the microblogging site Twitter, have become a space for speedy exchange of information regarding sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), presenting a potential risk environment for how STDs are portrayed. Examining the types of ``tweeters'' (users who post messages on Twitter) and the nature of ``tweet'' messages is important for identifying how information related to STDs is posted in online social media. Objective: The intent of the study was to describe the types of message emitters on Twitter in relation to two different STDs---chlamydia and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)---as well as the nature of content tweeted, including how seriously the topic was treated. Methods: We used the Twitter search engine to look for tweets posted worldwide from August 1-7, 2013, and from September 1-7, 2013, containing the words ``chlamydia'' or ``HIV'', and the hashtags ``{\#}chlamydia'' or ``{\#}HIV''. Tweeters were classified by two independent reviewers according to the type of avatar of the user (human, logo, or fantasy), the identification of the emitter (identifiable, semi-identifiable, or non-identifiable), and the source (private company, general media, scientific media, non-governmental, individual account, academic institution, government department, or undefined). Tweet messages were also independently classified according to their nature (serious or jokes/funny), and whether their main message was factual or of a personal nature/experience. Results: A total of 694 tweets were posted by 426 different users during the first 7 days of August and September, containing the hashtags and/or simple words ``chlamydia'' and/or ``HIV''. Jokes or funny tweets were more frequently posted by individual users (89{\%}, 66/74), with a human avatar (81{\%}, 60/74), from a non-identifiable user (72{\%}, 53/74), and they were most frequently related to chlamydia (76{\%}, 56/74). Serious tweets were most frequently posted by the general media (20.6{\%}, 128/620), using a logo avatar (66.9{\%}, 415/620), and with identifiable accounts (85.2{\%}, 528/620). No government departments, non-governmental organizations, scientific media, or academic institutions posted a joke on STDs. A total of 104 of these analyzed tweets were re-tweeted messages, belonging to 68 unique tweets. The content was serious (99{\%}, 67/68), factual (90{\%}, 52/58), and about HIV (85{\%}, 58/68). Conclusions: Social media such as Twitter may be an important source of information regarding STDs provided that the topic is presented appropriately. Reassuringly, the study showed that almost 9/10 of tweets on STDs (chlamydia and HIV) were of serious content, and many of the tweets that were re-tweeted were facts. The jokes that were tweeted were mainly about chlamydia, and posted by non-identifiable emitters. We believe social media should be used to an even larger extent to disseminate correct information about STDs. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.3259", url="http://www.jmir.org/2014/10/e228/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3259", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25289463" }