Published on in Vol 1, No suppl1 (1999): Supplement 1

Towards the Millennium of Cybermedicine

Towards the Millennium of Cybermedicine

Towards the Millennium of Cybermedicine

Authors of this article:

Gunther Eysenbach


: ArztPartner strives to create a network of the providers and receivers of medical care in Germany. This network will use the innovative technologies of cyberspace to increase the quality and speed of interaction between all participants of the healthcare system. Important components of this network will be virtual communities for patients, online discussion forums for physicians and possibilities of online interaction between the two groups. In the long run, this platform will be a basis for providing medical care on-line. The three-step-strategy:
At the same time, we will provide the medical providers in our network with possibilities to exchange information with each other and to access relevant content. In the long run, we hope to connect consumers, physicians and clinics, thus creating a platform for effective medical information exchange through the whole process of medical care. The presentation will show the current status of these efforts as well as the specific questions associated with this strategy.

J Med Internet Res 1999;1(suppl1):e20



Edited by G Eysenbach; This is a non–peer-reviewed article. published 19.09.99


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