Published on in Vol 13, No 3 (2011): Jul-Sep

A Systematic Review of Information and Communication Technology–Based Interventions for Promoting Physical Activity Behavior Change in Children and Adolescents

A Systematic Review of Information and Communication Technology–Based Interventions for Promoting Physical Activity Behavior Change in Children and Adolescents

A Systematic Review of Information and Communication Technology–Based Interventions for Promoting Physical Activity Behavior Change in Children and Adolescents

Original Paper

1Department of Physical Education, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China

2Department of Health and Physical Education, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China

3Department of Kinesiology, College of Education, Boise State University, Boise, United States

Corresponding Author:

Patrick WC Lau, PhD

Department of Physical Education

Hong Kong Baptist University

DLB 643, David C. Lam Bldg,

Shaw Campus, HKBU

Hong Kong, 0000


Phone: 852 34115634

Fax:852 34115757


Background: A growing body of research has employed information and communication technologies (ICTs) such as the Internet and mobile phones for disseminating physical activity (PA) interventions with young populations. Although several systematic reviews have documented the effects of ICT-based interventions on PA behavior, very few have focused on children and adolescents specifically.

Objectives: The present review aimed to systematically evaluate the efficacy and methodological quality of ICT-based PA interventions for children and adolescents based on evidence from randomized controlled trials.

Methods: Electronic databases Medline, PsycInfo, CINAHL, and Web of Science were searched to retrieve English language articles published in international academic peer-reviewed journals from January 1, 1997, through December 31, 2009. Included were articles that provided descriptions of interventions designed to improve PA-related cognitive, psychosocial, and behavioral outcomes and that used randomized controlled trial design, included only children (6-12 years old) and adolescents (13-18 years old) in both intervention and control groups, and employed Internet, email, and/or short message services (SMS, also known as text messaging) as one or more major or assistive modes to deliver the intervention.

Results: In total, 9 studies were analyzed in the present review. All studies were published after 2000 and conducted in Western countries. Of the 9 studies, 7 demonstrated positive and significant within-group differences in at least one psychosocial or behavioral PA outcome. In all, 3 studies reported positive and significant between-group differences favoring the ICT group. When between-group differences were compared across studies, effect sizes were small in 6 studies and large in 3 studies. With respect to methodological quality, 7 of the 9 studies had good methodological quality. Failure to report allocation concealment, blinding to outcome assessment, and lack of long-term follow-up were the criteria met by the fewest studies. In addition, 5 studies measured the intervention exposure rate and only 1 study employed objective measures to record data.

Conclusion: The present review provides evidence supporting the positive effects of ICTs in PA interventions for children and adolescents, especially when used with other delivery approaches (ie, face-to-face). Because ICT delivery approaches are often mixed with other approaches and these studies sometimes lack a comparable control group, additional research is needed to establish the true independent effects of ICT as an intervention delivery mode. Although two-thirds of the studies demonstrated satisfactory methodological quality, several quality criteria should be considered in future studies: clear descriptions of allocation concealment and blinding of outcome assessment, extension of intervention duration, and employment of objective measures in intervention exposure rate. Due to the small number of studies that met inclusion criteria and the lack of consistent evidence, researchers should be cautious when interpreting the findings of the present review.

J Med Internet Res 2011;13(3):e48



Regular physical activity (PA) is associated with reduced risk of breast cancer, hypertension, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, and osteoporosis in children and adolescents [Hallal PC, Victora CG, Azevedo MR, Wells JC. Adolescent physical activity and health: a systematic review. Sports Med 2006;36(12):1019-1030. [Medline]1-Warburton DE, Nicol CW, Bredin SS. Health benefits of physical activity: the evidence. CMAJ 2006 Mar 14;174(6):801-809 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]3]. However, the majority of our young population is not engaging in sufficient PA to achieve these health benefits [Janssen I, Katzmarzyk PT, Boyce WF, Vereecken C, Mulvihill C, Roberts C, Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children Obesity Working Group. Comparison of overweight and obesity prevalence in school-aged youth from 34 countries and their relationships with physical activity and dietary patterns. Obes Rev 2005 May;6(2):123-132. [CrossRef] [Medline]4-Hamar P, Biddle S, Soós I, Takács B, Huszár A. The prevalence of sedentary behaviours and physical activity in Hungarian youth. Eur J Public Health 2010 Feb;20(1):85-90 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7]. Developing effective interventions to promote active lifestyles among children and adolescents is one way to address the lack of PA in this population.

In the past decade, numerous PA interventions have been developed and implemented [Jago R, Baranowski T. Non-curricular approaches for increasing physical activity in youth: a review. Prev Med 2004 Jul;39(1):157-163. [CrossRef] [Medline]8,Kahn EB, Ramsey LT, Brownson RC, Heath GW, Howze EH, Powell KE, et al. The effectiveness of interventions to increase physical activity. A systematic review. Am J Prev Med 2002 May;22(4 Suppl):73-107. [Medline]9]. The typical modes of delivery for these interventions have been face-to-face and mass media [Marcus BH, Williams DM, Dubbert PM, Sallis JF, King AC, Yancey AK, American Heart Association Council on Nutrition‚ Physical Activity‚ and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity), American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, Interdisciplinary Working Group on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research. Physical activity intervention studies: what we know and what we need to know: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity); Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young; and the Interdisciplinary Working Group on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research. Circulation 2006 Dec 12;114(24):2739-2752 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]10,Cassell MM, Jackson C, Cheuvront B. Health communication on the Internet: an effective channel for health behavior change? J Health Commun 1998;3(1):71-79. [Medline]11]. Studies [van Sluijs EM, McMinn AM, Griffin SJ. Effectiveness of interventions to promote physical activity in children and adolescents: systematic review of controlled trials. BMJ 2007 Oct 6;335(7622):703 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]12-Dobbins M, De Corby K, Robeson P, Husson H, Tirilis D. School-based physical activity programs for promoting physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents aged 6-18. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2009(1):CD007651. [CrossRef] [Medline]14] have indicated that interventions delivered using a face-to-face approach (ie, structured PA programs and individual counseling) have been effective for PA behavior changes, but effects have been small. Due to time schedules, high running costs, and geographic restrictions, these interventions could not reach and be accessed by a large population [Fotheringham MJ, Owen N. Introduction. Interactive health communication in preventive medicine. Am J Prev Med 2000 Aug;19(2):111-112. [Medline]15-Sevick MA, Dunn AL, Morrow MS, Marcus BH, Chen GJ, Blair SN. Cost-effectiveness of lifestyle and structured exercise interventions in sedentary adults: results of project ACTIVE. Am J Prev Med 2000 Jul;19(1):1-8. [Medline]18]. With the combination of small effects and limited reach, the impact of face-to-face PA interventions on public health has been modest [Abrams DB, Orleans CT, Niaura RS, Goldstein MG, Prochaska JO, Velicer W. Integrating individual and public health perspectives for treatment of tobacco dependence under managed health care: a combined stepped-care and matching model. Ann Behav Med 1996;18(4):290-304. [CrossRef] [Medline]19]. On the other hand, PA interventions disseminated through mass media approaches (ie, TV, radio, and pamphlets) have the potential to reach large numbers of individuals. One limitation of mass media–based PA interventions is that they mainly contain generic content and feedback that is less relevant to individuals who may need different strategies to change PA behavior [Marcus BH, Williams DM, Dubbert PM, Sallis JF, King AC, Yancey AK, American Heart Association Council on Nutrition‚ Physical Activity‚ and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity), American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, Interdisciplinary Working Group on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research. Physical activity intervention studies: what we know and what we need to know: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity); Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young; and the Interdisciplinary Working Group on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research. Circulation 2006 Dec 12;114(24):2739-2752 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]10]. The aforementioned limitation probably explains why the majority of these mass media–based interventions (except the VERB campaign [Huhman M, Potter LD, Wong FL, Banspach SW, Duke JC, Heitzler CD. Effects of a mass media campaign to increase physical activity among children: year-1 results of the VERB campaign. Pediatrics 2005 Aug;116(2):e277-e284 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]20]) were only successful in raising awareness and increasing knowledge and not in improving PA behavioral outcomes (ie, increasing PA levels) [Marcus BH, Owen N, Forsyth LH, Cavill NA, Fridinger F. Physical activity interventions using mass media, print media, and information technology. Am J Prev Med 1998 Nov;15(4):362-378. [Medline]21]. In sum, innovative approaches that can reach large groups of people while at the same time enhancing accessibility and personal relevance are needed. Interestingly, studies have shown that this lack of personalization, mentioned as a limitation of media-based PA interventions, could be addressed with the use of advanced information and communication technology (ICT) such as Internet, personal digital assistants, computer kiosks, and mobile phones [Nigg CR. Technology's influence on physical activity and exercise science: the present and the future. Psychol Sport Exerc 2003;4:57-65.22,Marcus BH, Nigg CR, Riebe D, Forsyth LH. Interactive communication strategies: implications for population-based physical-activity promotion. Am J Prev Med 2000 Aug;19(2):121-126. [Medline]23].

Advantages of ICT-based interventions

The proliferation of the Internet and mobile phones has provided a powerful channel to widen the reach of PA interventions in children and adolescents [Marcus BH, Nigg CR, Riebe D, Forsyth LH. Interactive communication strategies: implications for population-based physical-activity promotion. Am J Prev Med 2000 Aug;19(2):121-126. [Medline]23]. In developed countries, over 90% of children and adolescents were found to have had access to the Internet at school and/or home [Dobbins M, De Corby K, Robeson P, Husson H, Tirilis D. School-based physical activity programs for promoting physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents aged 6-18. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2009(1):CD007651. [CrossRef] [Medline]14]. More importantly, they perceived the Internet as their primary resource for seeking health information [Bastian H. Internet, Health Information on the. In: Heggenhougan K, Quah S, editors. International Encyclopedia of Public Health. London, England: Elsevier Inc; 2008:679-683.24,Borzekowski DL, Rickert VI. Adolescent cybersurfing for health information: a new resource that crosses barriers. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Jul;155(7):813-817 [FREE Full text] [Medline]25]. Additionally, 45% to 99% of children and adolescents have been found to own a personal mobile phone, and half of them use short message services (SMS, also known as text messaging) [Marcus BH, Williams DM, Dubbert PM, Sallis JF, King AC, Yancey AK, American Heart Association Council on Nutrition‚ Physical Activity‚ and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity), American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, Interdisciplinary Working Group on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research. Physical activity intervention studies: what we know and what we need to know: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity); Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young; and the Interdisciplinary Working Group on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research. Circulation 2006 Dec 12;114(24):2739-2752 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]10]. In addition to this broadened reach, advanced Web technologies can enhance the personal relevance of an intervention's contents. Researchers can now tailor PA interventions based on a variety of factors that influence PA behavior change in children and adolescents (eg, gender, ethnicity, weight status, stage of change, PA self-efficacy, and PA barriers). In addition, ICT interventions can present materials in various forms (ie, text, sound, video, and animation) to satisfy children’s and adolescents’ preferences [Nigg CR. Technology's influence on physical activity and exercise science: the present and the future. Psychol Sport Exerc 2003;4:57-65.22]. Moreover, email and SMS have provided a means for researchers to deliver individualized feedback, automatic reminders, and social support. These elements could enhance children’s and adolescents’ attention toward and understanding of the materials [Webb TL, Joseph J, Yardley L, Michie S. Using the internet to promote health behavior change: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of theoretical basis, use of behavior change techniques, and mode of delivery on efficacy. J Med Internet Res 2010;12(1):e4 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]26-Fry JP, Neff RA. Periodic prompts and reminders in health promotion and health behavior interventions: systematic review. J Med Internet Res 2009;11(2):e16 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28], which could lead to subsequent improvements in PA behavior.

In recent years, the evidence base of ICT-based health behavior change interventions has been growing [Wantland DJ, Portillo CJ, Holzemer WL, Slaughter R, McGhee EM. The effectiveness of Web-based vs. non-Web-based interventions: a meta-analysis of behavioral change outcomes. J Med Internet Res 2004 Nov 10;6(4):e40 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]29-Brug J, Oenema A, Campbell M. Past, present, and future of computer-tailored nutrition education. Am J Clin Nutr 2003 Apr;77(4 Suppl):1028S-1034S [FREE Full text] [Medline]31]. Several systematic reviews [Webb TL, Joseph J, Yardley L, Michie S. Using the internet to promote health behavior change: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of theoretical basis, use of behavior change techniques, and mode of delivery on efficacy. J Med Internet Res 2010;12(1):e4 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]26,Fry JP, Neff RA. Periodic prompts and reminders in health promotion and health behavior interventions: systematic review. J Med Internet Res 2009;11(2):e16 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28,Kroeze W, Werkman A, Brug J. A systematic review of randomized trials on the effectiveness of computer-tailored education on physical activity and dietary behaviors. Ann Behav Med 2006 Jun;31(3):205-223. [CrossRef] [Medline]32-Vandelanotte C, Spathonis KM, Eakin EG, Owen N. Website-delivered physical activity interventions a review of the literature. Am J Prev Med 2007 Jul;33(1):54-64. [CrossRef] [Medline]36] have evaluated the efficacy of these interventions; however, very few studies have focused on PA behavior. Even though some studies have concentrated specifically on PA behavior [Kroeze W, Werkman A, Brug J. A systematic review of randomized trials on the effectiveness of computer-tailored education on physical activity and dietary behaviors. Ann Behav Med 2006 Jun;31(3):205-223. [CrossRef] [Medline]32,Norman GJ, Zabinski MF, Adams MA, Rosenberg DE, Yaroch AL, Atienza AA. A review of eHealth interventions for physical activity and dietary behavior change. Am J Prev Med 2007 Oct;33(4):336-345. [CrossRef] [Medline]33,van den Berg MH, Schoones JW, Vliet Vlieland TP. Internet-based physical activity interventions: a systematic review of the literature. J Med Internet Res 2007;9(3):e26 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Vandelanotte C, Spathonis KM, Eakin EG, Owen N. Website-delivered physical activity interventions a review of the literature. Am J Prev Med 2007 Jul;33(1):54-64. [CrossRef] [Medline]36], none has focused on children and adolescents. To our knowledge, the systematic review conducted by Norman et al [Norman GJ, Zabinski MF, Adams MA, Rosenberg DE, Yaroch AL, Atienza AA. A review of eHealth interventions for physical activity and dietary behavior change. Am J Prev Med 2007 Oct;33(4):336-345. [CrossRef] [Medline]33] was the only paper published in the previous 5 years that has documented the efficacy of ICT-based PA interventions in children and adolescents. These authors conducted an electronic database search through the year 2005, and they identified 33 studies with PA as an outcome. As ICT-based PA interventions were still in a development stage at that time, studies that focused on children and adolescents were scant. These authors located 5 studies that focused on children and adolescents, and only 3 of them were randomized controlled trials (RCT). Although Norman and colleagues concluded that ICT-based interventions were effective for changing PA behavior, this conclusion was mainly drawn using evidence collected with adult subjects. Whether their conclusions can be generalized to children and adolescents needs further investigation. Since 2005, several additional RCTs have been published. It is, therefore, timely to conduct a new systematic review to evaluate the efficacy and methodological quality of ICT-based interventions relative to promoting PA behavior change in children and adolescents.

Although there are various ICTs, the present review focused on the Internet and SMS only. The reason for limiting the scope of ICT to Internet, email, and SMS is that these modes are most frequently used among children and adolescents. Other ICTs such as interactive CD-ROMs and computer kiosks were excluded because they are less popular, and, in that format, the advantages of ICT-based interventions (eg, free of time and geographic restrictions) are not fully utilized. Moreover, ICT-based PA interventions for children and adolescents are still in a developing stage; a systematic review focused on both Internet and SMS should demonstrate their usefulness in various research designs. This could inform the choice of ICT in future studies.

The purpose of the present review was to systematically evaluate the efficacy and methodological quality of ICT-based interventions that applied Internet and/or SMS as a delivery mode for PA behavior change in children and adolescents based on evidence from randomized controlled trials.


In this review, an ICT-based intervention is defined as an intervention that employs Internet, email, and/or SMS as one of the intervention delivery modes. The following types of intervention are excluded from this definition: (1) interventions that only involved ICT for data collection (ie, online surveys and electronic medical records) and (2) interventions that used a computer to generate individually tailored printed materials and delivered those materials using a non-ICT mode. The aforementioned interventions were excluded because there was little or no information exchanged, and interactions between the ICTs and participants were minimal.

An electronic database search was conducted to retrieve English articles from CINAHL, Medline, PsycInfo, PubMed, and Web of Science. The search targeted articles published from January 1, 1997, through December 31, 2009, because ICT-based interventions began in the late 1990s [Cassell MM, Jackson C, Cheuvront B. Health communication on the Internet: an effective channel for health behavior change? J Health Commun 1998;3(1):71-79. [Medline]11]. For CINAHL, Medline, PsycInfo, and Web of Science, we performed a keyword search using the following search strings: (child* OR adolescent* OR teenag* OR youth) AND (Internet OR Web-based OR Web-delivered messages OR email OR e-mail OR electronic mail OR mobile phone OR text messag* OR SMS) AND (daily physical activit* OR exercise OR walk* OR motor activ* OR leisure activit* OR physical fitness OR sport*) AND (health OR health behavior OR weight loss OR obesity OR overweight). In addition, we conducted a MeSH search in PubMed using the following search strings: ("Adolescent"[Mesh] OR "Child"[Mesh]) AND ("Internet"[Mesh] OR "Telecommunications"[Mesh]) AND ("Exercise"[Mesh] OR "Motor Activity"[Mesh] OR "Sports"[Mesh]) AND ("Health Behavior"[Mesh] OR "Obesity"[Mesh] OR "Weight Loss"[Mesh]).

Selection Criteria

To be included, articles had to (1) be published in international academic peer-reviewed journals (book chapters, abstracts of conference proceeding, and dissertations were excluded); (2) use a randomized controlled trials design; (3) evaluate an intervention that aimed to promote PA behavior; (4) include at least one PA behavior variable as the outcome (no restriction was defined regarding the types of PA behavior outcomes, which could be cognitive [ie, PA knowledge], psychosocial [eg, PA intention, PA self-efficacy, social support to PA, stage of change], or behavioral [ie, energy expenditure, step counts, or self-reported PA level]; (5) focus only on children (6-12 years old) and adolescents (13-18 years old) in both the intervention and control group; and (6) employ Internet, email, and/or SMS as one or more major or assistive modes to deliver the intervention. No further limits were set on the types and content of the control group. Control groups were non–ICT-based, no treatment, or different types of ICT-based interventions.

To attain additional eligible articles, the reference list of the located studies and relevant reviews were also checked. The selection of articles was independently performed by two investigators (authors PWCL and EYL).

Data Extraction

The present review provided a narrative evaluation of the selected articles because of the heterogeneity in study designs, measures, and outcomes across studies. Information about the selected articles was extracted into a structured summary table by one investigator (EYL) and checked by another investigator (PWCL). The following data were extracted: source (year of publication, country in which study was conducted); study characteristics (study design, setting that the information was delivered via ICT, and target behavior); participant characteristics (sample size, age, and group of participants); intervention descriptions, intervention characteristics (intervention duration, mode of delivery, contact frequency, theoretical basis, types and numbers of behavior change technique [BCT] used, and ICT initiation strategy). Use of BCT was coded according to the definition of the taxonomy of BCT developed by Abraham and Michie [Abraham C, Michie S. A taxonomy of behavior change techniques used in interventions. Health Psychol 2008 May;27(3):379-387. [CrossRef] [Medline]37]. ICT initiation strategy was divided into participant-initiated (participants have to decide when, where, and what information to access or transmit by ICT) or investigator-initiated (an investigator delivered the information to participants via ICT at a fixed time, venue, and under specific conditions). For example, with a participant-initiated process, participants were told to access a PA website twice a week during their free time, but they were not told which day of the week or number of pages to read each time. For an investigator-initiated process, participants might receive a hyperlink via their personal email or individual feedback to their mobile phone.

The Efficacy of ICT-Based PA Interventions for Children and Adolescents

In addition, types of outcome measures and main findings were coded. The pre-post difference on PA behavior outcome in the intervention group was coded as “↑” for positive and significant change, “→” for no significant change and “↓” for significant negative change. The pre-post difference in PA behavior outcome between the intervention group and control group was coded as “+” (significant difference favoring the ICT intervention group), “O” (no significant difference between groups), and “—” (significant difference favoring the control group). To compare the potential effect of ICT interventions on children and adolescents across studies, an effect size (ES) was calculated when sufficient information was reported. An ES of less than 0.5 was interpreted as small, 0.5 to 0.8, as medium, and greater than 0.8 as large [Cohen J. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. Hillsdale, NJ: L Erlbaum Associates; 1988.38]. When a study measured outcomes across several time points, the longest follow-up was selected for effect size calculation. For example, if a study measured exercise behavior at 6, 12, 18, and 24 months the 24-month data were selected for comparison. For studies that employed more than one comparison group, following previous systematic reviews of ICT-based intervention [Webb TL, Joseph J, Yardley L, Michie S. Using the internet to promote health behavior change: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of theoretical basis, use of behavior change techniques, and mode of delivery on efficacy. J Med Internet Res 2010;12(1):e4 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]26,Portnoy DB, Scott-Sheldon LA, Johnson BT, Carey MP. Computer-delivered interventions for health promotion and behavioral risk reduction: a meta-analysis of 75 randomized controlled trials, 1988-2007. Prev Med 2008 Jul;47(1):3-16. [CrossRef] [Medline]34], the control group with the least contact was selected for ease of interpretation. To ensure the accuracy of the data extraction, original authors of the included studies were contacted for further information and clarification when needed.

Assessment of Methodological Quality

Methodological quality was assessed using a 13-item scale developed in a previous review [van den Berg MH, Schoones JW, Vliet Vlieland TP. Internet-based physical activity interventions: a systematic review of the literature. J Med Internet Res 2007;9(3):e26 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]35]. Studies were rated independently by one investigator (EYL) and checked by another investigator (PWCL). Disagreements were discussed until consensus was reached. Each item was rated as yes, no, or unknown. A total methodological quality score (ranging from 0-13) was calculated by summing up all yes items. Studies were rated as having good methodological quality if they met at least two-thirds of the criteria (ie, ≥ 9 items).

In addition, the intervention exposure rate of the included studies was also extracted because this was suggested as an important quality criterion of ICT-based interventions [Crutzen R, de Nooijer J, Brouwer W, Oenema A, Brug J, de Vries NK. Internet-delivered interventions aimed at adolescents: a Delphi study on dissemination and exposure. Health Educ Res 2008 Jun;23(3):427-439 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39,Crutzen R, de Nooijer J, Brouwer W, Oenema A, Brug J, de Vries NK. A conceptual framework for understanding and improving adolescents' exposure to Internet-delivered interventions. Health Promot Int 2009 Sep;24(3):277-284 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]40]. The present review also assessed whether the included studies measured exposure frequency (ie, how frequently the participants accessed materials via ICT) of the intervention. For those studies that involved an Internet program, exposure duration (ie, how much time did participants spend on reading materials via ICT each time?) was also extracted [Crutzen R, de Nooijer J, Brouwer W, Oenema A, Brug J, de Vries NK. A conceptual framework for understanding and improving adolescents' exposure to Internet-delivered interventions. Health Promot Int 2009 Sep;24(3):277-284 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]40].

Selection of Articles

The search and selection process for articles is illustrated in Figure 1. A total of 2606 articles were identified initially. After removing duplicates articles (n = 230) and irrelevant studies (n = 2337), 39 articles were retained for further considerations. Of these, 30 articles were excluded as they were descriptive or feasibility studies (n = 13), they were not targeted to the population of interest (n = 7), they did not use an RCT design (n = 6), they did not include any PA behavior outcome (n=3), or they did not use ICT as the mode of delivery (n = 1). In the end, 9 studies [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41-Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49] were included in the present review.

Figure 1. Search and selection process for the articles
View this figure

Data Extraction

Details regarding the 9 included studies are summarized in Table 1. All studies were published after 2000 and conducted in Western countries. Specifically, 6 studies were conducted in the United States [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41,Marks JT, Campbell MK, Ward DS, Ribisl KM, Wildemuth BM, Symons MJ. A comparison of Web and print media for physical activity promotion among adolescent girls. J Adolesc Health 2006 Jul;39(1):96-104. [CrossRef] [Medline]44,Patrick K, Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Lydston DD, Calfas KJ, Zabinski MF, et al. A multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Aug;155(8):940-946 [FREE Full text] [Medline]46-Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49], and 1 each was conducted in the United Kingdom [Jago R, Baranowski T, Baranowski JC, Thompson D, Cullen KW, Watson K, et al. Fit for Life Boy Scout badge: outcome evaluation of a troop and Internet intervention. Prev Med 2006 Mar;42(3):181-187. [CrossRef] [Medline]42], Australia [Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43], and New Zealand [Newton KH, Wiltshire EJ, Elley CR. Pedometers and text messaging to increase physical activity: randomized controlled trial of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2009 May;32(5):813-815 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]45].

Study Characteristics

In all, 8 studies [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41,Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43-Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49] randomized the participants on an individual basis, while one study [Jago R, Baranowski T, Baranowski JC, Thompson D, Cullen KW, Watson K, et al. Fit for Life Boy Scout badge: outcome evaluation of a troop and Internet intervention. Prev Med 2006 Mar;42(3):181-187. [CrossRef] [Medline]42] randomized at the school level. Another 7 studies [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41-Newton KH, Wiltshire EJ, Elley CR. Pedometers and text messaging to increase physical activity: randomized controlled trial of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2009 May;32(5):813-815 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]45,Shapiro JR, Bauer S, Hamer RM, Kordy H, Ward D, Bulik CM. Use of text messaging for monitoring sugar-sweetened beverages, physical activity, and screen time in children: a pilot study. J Nutr Educ Behav 2008;40(6):385-391. [CrossRef] [Medline]48,Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49] delivered the intervention through ICTs in a home setting, whereas the remaining studies disseminated the intervention at schools [Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47] or clinics [Patrick K, Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Lydston DD, Calfas KJ, Zabinski MF, et al. A multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Aug;155(8):940-946 [FREE Full text] [Medline]46]. In regard to the target behavior, 3 studies [Jago R, Baranowski T, Baranowski JC, Thompson D, Cullen KW, Watson K, et al. Fit for Life Boy Scout badge: outcome evaluation of a troop and Internet intervention. Prev Med 2006 Mar;42(3):181-187. [CrossRef] [Medline]42,Marks JT, Campbell MK, Ward DS, Ribisl KM, Wildemuth BM, Symons MJ. A comparison of Web and print media for physical activity promotion among adolescent girls. J Adolesc Health 2006 Jul;39(1):96-104. [CrossRef] [Medline]44,Newton KH, Wiltshire EJ, Elley CR. Pedometers and text messaging to increase physical activity: randomized controlled trial of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2009 May;32(5):813-815 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]45] focused on PA behavior alone; 6 studies [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41,Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43,Patrick K, Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Lydston DD, Calfas KJ, Zabinski MF, et al. A multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Aug;155(8):940-946 [FREE Full text] [Medline]46-Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49] focused on PA together with other health behaviors (eg, sedentary behavior, dietary intake, and diabetes management) (See Table 1).

Participant Characteristics

The 9 included studies contained 1456 total participants and the sample sizes ranged from 57 to 473 in each study. Approximately 48.1% of the total sample participants were female (701/1456). In all, 6 studies included both genders [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41,Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43,Newton KH, Wiltshire EJ, Elley CR. Pedometers and text messaging to increase physical activity: randomized controlled trial of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2009 May;32(5):813-815 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]45-Shapiro JR, Bauer S, Hamer RM, Kordy H, Ward D, Bulik CM. Use of text messaging for monitoring sugar-sweetened beverages, physical activity, and screen time in children: a pilot study. J Nutr Educ Behav 2008;40(6):385-391. [CrossRef] [Medline]48], while 3 studies focused on a single gender: 2 studies [Marks JT, Campbell MK, Ward DS, Ribisl KM, Wildemuth BM, Symons MJ. A comparison of Web and print media for physical activity promotion among adolescent girls. J Adolesc Health 2006 Jul;39(1):96-104. [CrossRef] [Medline]44,Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49] focused on females and 1 study focused on [Jago R, Baranowski T, Baranowski JC, Thompson D, Cullen KW, Watson K, et al. Fit for Life Boy Scout badge: outcome evaluation of a troop and Internet intervention. Prev Med 2006 Mar;42(3):181-187. [CrossRef] [Medline]42] males. In the majority of studies, the intervention was offered to healthy children and adolescents recruited from schools and communities (eg, a scout troop). Also, 3 studies focused on overweight [Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49] or diabetic patients [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41,Newton KH, Wiltshire EJ, Elley CR. Pedometers and text messaging to increase physical activity: randomized controlled trial of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2009 May;32(5):813-815 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]45] from pediatric clinics (See Table 1).

Intervention Characteristics

Intervention duration ranged from 2 weeks to 2 years. Of the 9 studies, 5 [Jago R, Baranowski T, Baranowski JC, Thompson D, Cullen KW, Watson K, et al. Fit for Life Boy Scout badge: outcome evaluation of a troop and Internet intervention. Prev Med 2006 Mar;42(3):181-187. [CrossRef] [Medline]42,Marks JT, Campbell MK, Ward DS, Ribisl KM, Wildemuth BM, Symons MJ. A comparison of Web and print media for physical activity promotion among adolescent girls. J Adolesc Health 2006 Jul;39(1):96-104. [CrossRef] [Medline]44,Newton KH, Wiltshire EJ, Elley CR. Pedometers and text messaging to increase physical activity: randomized controlled trial of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2009 May;32(5):813-815 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]45,Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47,Shapiro JR, Bauer S, Hamer RM, Kordy H, Ward D, Bulik CM. Use of text messaging for monitoring sugar-sweetened beverages, physical activity, and screen time in children: a pilot study. J Nutr Educ Behav 2008;40(6):385-391. [CrossRef] [Medline]48] focused on short-term results (≤ 3 months), 2 [Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43,Patrick K, Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Lydston DD, Calfas KJ, Zabinski MF, et al. A multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Aug;155(8):940-946 [FREE Full text] [Medline]46] focused on medium-term results (4-6 months), and 2 focused on long-term results (> 6 months) [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41,Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49]. Regarding the mode of delivery, 8 studies [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41-Shapiro JR, Bauer S, Hamer RM, Kordy H, Ward D, Bulik CM. Use of text messaging for monitoring sugar-sweetened beverages, physical activity, and screen time in children: a pilot study. J Nutr Educ Behav 2008;40(6):385-391. [CrossRef] [Medline]48] employed a single ICT mode (Internet = 4, email = 1, and SMS = 3) to deliver the intervention. The only exception was Williamson et al [Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49] who combined the use of Internet and email. The contacts made via the ICT mode varied from twice per day to once in 12 weeks. Also employed by 6 studies [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41-Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43,Newton KH, Wiltshire EJ, Elley CR. Pedometers and text messaging to increase physical activity: randomized controlled trial of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2009 May;32(5):813-815 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]45,Patrick K, Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Lydston DD, Calfas KJ, Zabinski MF, et al. A multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Aug;155(8):940-946 [FREE Full text] [Medline]46,Shapiro JR, Bauer S, Hamer RM, Kordy H, Ward D, Bulik CM. Use of text messaging for monitoring sugar-sweetened beverages, physical activity, and screen time in children: a pilot study. J Nutr Educ Behav 2008;40(6):385-391. [CrossRef] [Medline]48] were non-ICT modes (face-to-face, mail, and telephone) to contact the participants; the frequency of contact by non-ICT modes ranged from once per week to once every 3 months.

Of the 9 studies, 5 [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41-Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43,Patrick K, Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Lydston DD, Calfas KJ, Zabinski MF, et al. A multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Aug;155(8):940-946 [FREE Full text] [Medline]46,Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47] had developed the intervention based on health behavior change theories: 3 [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41-Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43] were guided by social cognitive theory (SCT) [Bandura A. Social cognitive theory: an agentic perspective. Annu Rev Psychol 2001;52:1-26. [CrossRef] [Medline]50,Bandura A. Health promotion by social cognitive means. Health Educ Behav 2004 Apr;31(2):143-164. [CrossRef] [Medline]51] and 2 [Patrick K, Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Lydston DD, Calfas KJ, Zabinski MF, et al. A multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Aug;155(8):940-946 [FREE Full text] [Medline]46,Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47] were developed based on SCT [Bandura A. Social cognitive theory: an agentic perspective. Annu Rev Psychol 2001;52:1-26. [CrossRef] [Medline]50,Bandura A. Health promotion by social cognitive means. Health Educ Behav 2004 Apr;31(2):143-164. [CrossRef] [Medline]51], transtheoretical model (TTM) [Prochaska JO, Marcus BH. The transtheoretical model: applications to exercise. In: Dishman RK, editor. Advances in Exercise Adherence. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 1994:161-180.52], and relapse prevention model (RPM) [Marlatt GA, George WH. Relapse prevention: introduction and overview of the model. Br J Addict 1984 Sep;79(3):261-273. [Medline]53]. Use of BCT in each study is summarized in Table 2. It was found that 3 types of BCT were used the most among the included studies: prompt specific goal setting, prompt self-monitoring of behavior, and provide feedback on performance. Overall, there was great variability in the number of BCTs used (the range was 3 to 9). In terms of the ICT initiation strategy, 5 studies [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41,Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43,Newton KH, Wiltshire EJ, Elley CR. Pedometers and text messaging to increase physical activity: randomized controlled trial of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2009 May;32(5):813-815 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]45-Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47] used investigator-initiated strategies and 4 studies [Jago R, Baranowski T, Baranowski JC, Thompson D, Cullen KW, Watson K, et al. Fit for Life Boy Scout badge: outcome evaluation of a troop and Internet intervention. Prev Med 2006 Mar;42(3):181-187. [CrossRef] [Medline]42,Marks JT, Campbell MK, Ward DS, Ribisl KM, Wildemuth BM, Symons MJ. A comparison of Web and print media for physical activity promotion among adolescent girls. J Adolesc Health 2006 Jul;39(1):96-104. [CrossRef] [Medline]44,Shapiro JR, Bauer S, Hamer RM, Kordy H, Ward D, Bulik CM. Use of text messaging for monitoring sugar-sweetened beverages, physical activity, and screen time in children: a pilot study. J Nutr Educ Behav 2008;40(6):385-391. [CrossRef] [Medline]48,Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49] employed participant-initiated strategies.

Table 1. Overview of characteristics and main findings of included studies
Year, and
Main Findings
Franklin et al, 2006, United States [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41]92 diabetic patients (8-18 years of age), 43 were femaleDesign: RCT
Setting: home
Focus: diabetes
ICT group 1: Sweet Talk SMS (automatic scheduled SMS reminder of the goal set, daily tips, and monthly text newsletter on diabetes issues. Participants could reply to the SMS and get an extra SMS for reply) plus intensive insulin treatment and standard treatment (clinic visit once per 3 to 4 months and access to emergency hotline).
ICT group 2: Sweet Talk SMS in addition to conventional insulin treatment and standard treatment
Control: standard treatment only
Duration: 1 year
Mode and contact: 1 or 2 SMS per daya; 1 face-to-face every 3 to 4 months
Theory: SCT
Number of BCTs used: 8
Communication initiation: investigator
  • Significantly greater increase in perceived social support to exercise in both ICT groups compared with control group
  • No significant difference between the 2 ICT groups
Jago et al, 2006, United Kingdom [Jago R, Baranowski T, Baranowski JC, Thompson D, Cullen KW, Watson K, et al. Fit for Life Boy Scout badge: outcome evaluation of a troop and Internet intervention. Prev Med 2006 Mar;42(3):181-187. [CrossRef] [Medline]42]473 boy scouts (10-14 years), 0 were femaleDesign: cluster RCT
Setting: home
Focus: PA
ICT group 1: Internet-based PA program contained goal setting and a comic story on overcoming PA barriers plus face-to-face troop training started in the spring.
ICT group 2: Internet-based PA program contained goal setting and a comic story on overcoming PA barriers plus face-to-face troop training started in the fall
Control: dietary intervention plus face-to-face troop training
Duration: 9 weeks
Mode and contact: 2 per week via Internet and 1 per week face-to-face
Theory: SCTa
Number of BCTs used: 8
Communication initiation: participant
  • Significant increase in light PA in ICT group 1
  • No significant between-group differences
Lubans et al, 2009, Australia [Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43]124 school children (mean age 14.1), 71 were female
Design: RCT
Setting: home
Focus: PA and Diet
ICT: social support email from investigator and pedometer self-monitoring plus printed PA and nutrition handbook and printed monthly newsletter for parents plus face-to-face school-based sport education program (structured PA session focusing on lifetime activities) plus information session (weekly diet and PA messages with teacher-demonstrated related activities to reinforce the message and summary lectures)
Control: face-to-face school-based sport education program plus exercise handbook
Duration: 6 months
Mode and contact: 1 email per weeka, face-to-face contact once per week for the first 10 weeks
Theory: SCT
Number of BCTs used: 7
Communication initiation: investigator
  • Significantly greater increase in step counts in ICT group compared with control for both boys and girls
  • Significantly greater increase in low active participants of ICT group compared with control group
  • No significant difference in step counts in active participants between ICT group and control group
Marks et al, 2006, United States [Marks JT, Campbell MK, Ward DS, Ribisl KM, Wildemuth BM, Symons MJ. A comparison of Web and print media for physical activity promotion among adolescent girls. J Adolesc Health 2006 Jul;39(1):96-104. [CrossRef] [Medline]44]319 girls (12-14 years of age), that is, all 319 femaleDesign: RCT
Setting: home
Focus: PA
ICT: Web-based PA program containing interactive games, quiz, downloadable charts to plan daily activity, and audio demonstration of PA activities

Control: print-based PA program with the content identical to the Internet-based intervention
Duration: 2 weeks
Mode and contacts: Internet 2 times per week
Theory: none mentioned
Number of BCTs used: 3
Communication initiation: participant
  • Significant increase in PA self-efficacy and PA intention in both ICT and control groups
  • Significantly greater increase in PA intention in control group compared with ICT group but not in PA, self-efficacy and PA level
Newton et al, 2009, New Zealand [Newton KH, Wiltshire EJ, Elley CR. Pedometers and text messaging to increase physical activity: randomized controlled trial of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2009 May;32(5):813-815 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]45]78 diabetic patients (11-18 years), 42 were female
Design: RCT
Setting: home
Focus: PA
ICT: pedometer self-monitoring with a goal of at least 10,000 step/day plus motivational SMS reminder (participants could reply the SMS and get an extra SMS for replya) plus standard diabetes treatment
Control: standard diabetes treatment
Duration: 12 weeks
Mode and contact: 1 or 2 SMS contacts per week
Theory: none mentioned
Number of BCTs used: 5
Communication initiation: investigator
  • Both groups decreased in step counts, but this was not statistically significant.
  • No significant between-group differences
Patrick et al, 2001, United States [Patrick K, Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Lydston DD, Calfas KJ, Zabinski MF, et al. A multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Aug;155(8):940-946 [FREE Full text] [Medline]46]117 adolescents (11-18 years, mean age 14.1), 43 were femaleDesign: RCT
Setting: clinic
Focus: PA plus diet
ICT: interactive computer program (assessed and compared participant\'s self-reported PA and diet behavior with recommendations, gave feedback, and instructed the participants to select two behaviors that they are most ready to change and construct an action plan) plus provider counseling (provider review and discussion of the action with the participants) plus extended follow-up by mail for group 1 and by infrequent telephone plus mail contact for group 2, and frequent telephone plus mail contact for group 3
Control: interactive computer program plus provider counseling but no further extended follow-up
Duration: 16 weeks
Mode and contact: Internet, face-to-face and mail, each once during the 16 weeks plus telephone once every 2 weeks
Theories: SCT, TTM, and RPM
Number of BCTs used: 8
Communication initiation: investigator
  • Significant improvement in moderate PA in all groups but no effect in vigorous PA
  • No significant between-group differences
Prochaska et al, 2004, United States [Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47]138 school children (12-14 years), 90 were female
Design: RCT
Setting: school
Focus: PA plus diet
ICT group 1: one-session Internet-based PA assessment with tailored feedback
ICT group 2: one-session Internet-based PA plus dietary assessment with tailored feedback
Control: no treatment
Duration: 12 weeks
Mode and contact: 1 Internet contact in the 12 week period
Theories: SCT, TTM, and RPM
Number of BCTs used: 9
Communication initiation: investigator
  • Significantly greater increase in PA level in ICT groups compared with control groups for boys but not for girls
Shapiro et al, 2008, United States [Shapiro JR, Bauer S, Hamer RM, Kordy H, Ward D, Bulik CM. Use of text messaging for monitoring sugar-sweetened beverages, physical activity, and screen time in children: a pilot study. J Nutr Educ Behav 2008;40(6):385-391. [CrossRef] [Medline]48]58 children (5-13 years), 36 were female
Design: RCT
Setting: home
Focus: PA plus diet plus sedentary activity
ICT: parent and child to report their sugar-sweetened beverages, screen time, and PA goals by SMS plus immediate and automatic SMS feedback plus 3 face-to-face psychologist-led educational sessions
Control group 1: parent and child to report their sugar-sweetened beverages, screen time, and PA goals by using a paper diary plus 3 face-to-face psychologist-led educational sessions plus verbal feedback during the educational session
Control group 2: 3 face-to-face psychologist-led educational sessions only
Duration: 8 weeks
Mode and contact: 2 SMS per day, face-to-face once a week
Theory: none mentioned
Number of BCTs used: 7
Communication initiation: participants
  • No significant difference in step counts in all groups
Williamson et al, 2006, United States [Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49]

57 overweight girls (11-15 years), that is all 57 were female
Design: RCT
Setting: home
Focus: weight loss
ICT: Internet-based PA and dietary program with tailored information and prescriptions and online counseling plus 4 face-to-face meetings at 1, 3, 6, and 12 weeks
Control: Internet-based program with general PA and dietary information plus 4 face-to-face sessions at 1, 3, 6, and12 months
Duration: 2 years
Mode and contact: Internet once per week, email once per week, and face-to-face 4 times in 12 weeks
Theory: none mentioned
Number of BCTs used: 7
Communication initiation: participant
  • Significant improvement in self-reported exercise behavior in all groups
  • No significant between-group differences

a Information obtained from original author

Table 2. Use of behavior change techniques (indicated by Abraham and Michie [Abraham C, Michie S. A taxonomy of behavior change techniques used in interventions. Health Psychol 2008 May;27(3):379-387. [CrossRef] [Medline]37])
et al [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41]
et al [Jago R, Baranowski T, Baranowski JC, Thompson D, Cullen KW, Watson K, et al. Fit for Life Boy Scout badge: outcome evaluation of a troop and Internet intervention. Prev Med 2006 Mar;42(3):181-187. [CrossRef] [Medline]42]
et al [Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43]
et al [Marks JT, Campbell MK, Ward DS, Ribisl KM, Wildemuth BM, Symons MJ. A comparison of Web and print media for physical activity promotion among adolescent girls. J Adolesc Health 2006 Jul;39(1):96-104. [CrossRef] [Medline]44]
et al [Newton KH, Wiltshire EJ, Elley CR. Pedometers and text messaging to increase physical activity: randomized controlled trial of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2009 May;32(5):813-815 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]45]
et al [Patrick K, Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Lydston DD, Calfas KJ, Zabinski MF, et al. A multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Aug;155(8):940-946 [FREE Full text] [Medline]46]
et al [Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47]
et al [Shapiro JR, Bauer S, Hamer RM, Kordy H, Ward D, Bulik CM. Use of text messaging for monitoring sugar-sweetened beverages, physical activity, and screen time in children: a pilot study. J Nutr Educ Behav 2008;40(6):385-391. [CrossRef] [Medline]48]
et al [Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49]
Provide information about behavior-health linkXXXX
Provide information on consequencesXXXX
Provide information about other’s approval
Prompt intention formationXX
Prompt barrier identificationXXXXX
Provide general encouragementX
Set graded tasksX
Provide instructionXXX
Model or demonstrate the behaviorXXX
Prompt specific goal settingXXXXXXX
Prompt review of behavioral goalsXXXXX
Prompt self-monitoring of behaviorXXXXXX
Provide feedback on performanceXXXXXX
Provide contingent rewardsXXXaX
Teach to use prompts and cues
Agree on behavioral contractXXX
Prompt practiceXXX
Use follow-up prompts
Provide opportunities for social comparison
Plan social support or social changeXXXX
Prompt identification as a role model.
Prompt self-talk
Relapse prevention
Stress management
Motivational interviewing
Time management

a Information obtained from original author

Intervention Efficacy

Table 3 illustrates the effects of ICT-based interventions on PA behavior outcomes. Changes in behavioral variables were reported in 7 studies [Jago R, Baranowski T, Baranowski JC, Thompson D, Cullen KW, Watson K, et al. Fit for Life Boy Scout badge: outcome evaluation of a troop and Internet intervention. Prev Med 2006 Mar;42(3):181-187. [CrossRef] [Medline]42-Shapiro JR, Bauer S, Hamer RM, Kordy H, Ward D, Bulik CM. Use of text messaging for monitoring sugar-sweetened beverages, physical activity, and screen time in children: a pilot study. J Nutr Educ Behav 2008;40(6):385-391. [CrossRef] [Medline]48], and 4 of these [Jago R, Baranowski T, Baranowski JC, Thompson D, Cullen KW, Watson K, et al. Fit for Life Boy Scout badge: outcome evaluation of a troop and Internet intervention. Prev Med 2006 Mar;42(3):181-187. [CrossRef] [Medline]42,Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43,Patrick K, Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Lydston DD, Calfas KJ, Zabinski MF, et al. A multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Aug;155(8):940-946 [FREE Full text] [Medline]46,Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47] demonstrated significant within-group differences. Changes in psychosocial variables were presented in 3 studies [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41,Marks JT, Campbell MK, Ward DS, Ribisl KM, Wildemuth BM, Symons MJ. A comparison of Web and print media for physical activity promotion among adolescent girls. J Adolesc Health 2006 Jul;39(1):96-104. [CrossRef] [Medline]44,Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49], and all demonstrated significant within-group differences.

In all, 7 studies [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41-Newton KH, Wiltshire EJ, Elley CR. Pedometers and text messaging to increase physical activity: randomized controlled trial of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2009 May;32(5):813-815 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]45,Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47,Shapiro JR, Bauer S, Hamer RM, Kordy H, Ward D, Bulik CM. Use of text messaging for monitoring sugar-sweetened beverages, physical activity, and screen time in children: a pilot study. J Nutr Educ Behav 2008;40(6):385-391. [CrossRef] [Medline]48] compared the effects between an ICT group and a non-ICT control group. Of these, 3 [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41,Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43,Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47] reported a positive effect favoring the ICT group, and 1 study showed a positive effect favoring the non-ICT control group [Marks JT, Campbell MK, Ward DS, Ribisl KM, Wildemuth BM, Symons MJ. A comparison of Web and print media for physical activity promotion among adolescent girls. J Adolesc Health 2006 Jul;39(1):96-104. [CrossRef] [Medline]44]. In addition, 2 studies [Patrick K, Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Lydston DD, Calfas KJ, Zabinski MF, et al. A multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Aug;155(8):940-946 [FREE Full text] [Medline]46,Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49] contrasted the effect between two ICT groups. They examined whether different tailoring levels and follow-up methods would affect intervention efficacy. There were no significant between-group differences. On average, ICT-based interventions had a small effect size (0.03 to 0.41) on PA behavior change when compared with the control group. Notable exceptions were studies by Franklin et al [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41], Lubans et al [Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43], and Prochaska et al [Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47], who reported large effect sizes.

Assessment of Methodological Quality

In Table 4, the results of the methodological quality assessment are described. Of the 9 included studies, 7 [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41-Marks JT, Campbell MK, Ward DS, Ribisl KM, Wildemuth BM, Symons MJ. A comparison of Web and print media for physical activity promotion among adolescent girls. J Adolesc Health 2006 Jul;39(1):96-104. [CrossRef] [Medline]44,Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47-Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49] were rated as having good methodological quality. The low methodological quality scores were attributed to failure to report the concealment method for randomization, blinding of the assessors, and failure to follow-up long term. In all, 7 studies [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41-Marks JT, Campbell MK, Ward DS, Ribisl KM, Wildemuth BM, Symons MJ. A comparison of Web and print media for physical activity promotion among adolescent girls. J Adolesc Health 2006 Jul;39(1):96-104. [CrossRef] [Medline]44,Patrick K, Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Lydston DD, Calfas KJ, Zabinski MF, et al. A multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Aug;155(8):940-946 [FREE Full text] [Medline]46,Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47,Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49] measured intervention exposure frequency, while 5 studies [Jago R, Baranowski T, Baranowski JC, Thompson D, Cullen KW, Watson K, et al. Fit for Life Boy Scout badge: outcome evaluation of a troop and Internet intervention. Prev Med 2006 Mar;42(3):181-187. [CrossRef] [Medline]42,Marks JT, Campbell MK, Ward DS, Ribisl KM, Wildemuth BM, Symons MJ. A comparison of Web and print media for physical activity promotion among adolescent girls. J Adolesc Health 2006 Jul;39(1):96-104. [CrossRef] [Medline]44,Patrick K, Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Lydston DD, Calfas KJ, Zabinski MF, et al. A multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Aug;155(8):940-946 [FREE Full text] [Medline]46,Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47,Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49] utilized an Internet program, and 3 of those studies [Marks JT, Campbell MK, Ward DS, Ribisl KM, Wildemuth BM, Symons MJ. A comparison of Web and print media for physical activity promotion among adolescent girls. J Adolesc Health 2006 Jul;39(1):96-104. [CrossRef] [Medline]44,Patrick K, Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Lydston DD, Calfas KJ, Zabinski MF, et al. A multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Aug;155(8):940-946 [FREE Full text] [Medline]46,Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47] recorded Internet exposure duration.

Table 3. Effect of ICT-based intervention on PA outcomes
Outcome MeasureWithin-GroupBetween-GroupEffect Size
Franklin et al [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41]Perceived social support to exercise+0.76
Jago et al [Jago R, Baranowski T, Baranowski JC, Thompson D, Cullen KW, Watson K, et al. Fit for Life Boy Scout badge: outcome evaluation of a troop and Internet intervention. Prev Med 2006 Mar;42(3):181-187. [CrossRef] [Medline]42]Light PA0.03
Moderate PA0.08
Step counts0.24
Lubans et al [Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43]Step count, boys+0.80
Step count, girls+1.2
Marks et al [Marks JT, Campbell MK, Ward DS, Ribisl KM, Wildemuth BM, Symons MJ. A comparison of Web and print media for physical activity promotion among adolescent girls. J Adolesc Health 2006 Jul;39(1):96-104. [CrossRef] [Medline]44]PA self-efficacyNot applicable
PA intention0.41
Self-reported PA0.39
Newton et al [Newton KH, Wiltshire EJ, Elley CR. Pedometers and text messaging to increase physical activity: randomized controlled trial of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2009 May;32(5):813-815 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]45]Step countsNot applicable
Patrick et al [Patrick K, Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Lydston DD, Calfas KJ, Zabinski MF, et al. A multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Aug;155(8):940-946 [FREE Full text] [Medline]46]Moderate PANot applicable
Vigorous PANot applicable
Prochaska et al [Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47]PA level, boys+0.95
PA level, girls0.03
Shapiro et al. [Shapiro JR, Bauer S, Hamer RM, Kordy H, Ward D, Bulik CM. Use of text messaging for monitoring sugar-sweetened beverages, physical activity, and screen time in children: a pilot study. J Nutr Educ Behav 2008;40(6):385-391. [CrossRef] [Medline]48]Self-reported PA0.14
Williamson et al [Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49]Self-reported exercise behaviorNot applicable

a The pre-post difference in PA behavior outcome in the intervention group was indicated by: “↑” for positive and significant, “→” for no significant change and “↓” for significant negative change. The pre-post difference in PA behavior outcome between the intervention group and control group was coded as “+” (significant difference favoring the ICT intervention group), “O” (no significant difference between groups), and “—” (significant difference favoring the control group).

Table 4. Assessment of methodological quality and intervention exposures of the studies
et al [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41]
et al [Jago R, Baranowski T, Baranowski JC, Thompson D, Cullen KW, Watson K, et al. Fit for Life Boy Scout badge: outcome evaluation of a troop and Internet intervention. Prev Med 2006 Mar;42(3):181-187. [CrossRef] [Medline]42]
et al [Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43]
et al [Marks JT, Campbell MK, Ward DS, Ribisl KM, Wildemuth BM, Symons MJ. A comparison of Web and print media for physical activity promotion among adolescent girls. J Adolesc Health 2006 Jul;39(1):96-104. [CrossRef] [Medline]44]
et al [Newton KH, Wiltshire EJ, Elley CR. Pedometers and text messaging to increase physical activity: randomized controlled trial of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2009 May;32(5):813-815 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]45]
et al [Patrick K, Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Lydston DD, Calfas KJ, Zabinski MF, et al. A multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Aug;155(8):940-946 [FREE Full text] [Medline]46]
et al [Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47]
et al [Shapiro JR, Bauer S, Hamer RM, Kordy H, Ward D, Bulik CM. Use of text messaging for monitoring sugar-sweetened beverages, physical activity, and screen time in children: a pilot study. J Nutr Educ Behav 2008;40(6):385-391. [CrossRef] [Medline]48]
et al [Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49]
Methodological quality
Were the eligible criteria specified?YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Was the method of randomization described?YesNoYesYesNoNoNoYesYes
Was the random allocation concealed? (ie, was the assignment generated by an independent person not responsible for determining eligibility of the participants)YesYesaYesUnknownYesaNoaYesaYesaNoa
Were the groups similar at baseline regarding important prognostic indicators?YesYesaYesYesNoaYesYesYesYes
Were both the index and the control interventions explicitly described?YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Was the compliance or adherence with the interventions described? YesYesNoYesYesYesYesYesYes
Was the outcome assessor blinded to the interventions?NoaNoaNoaUnknownNoYesaYesaNoaNoa
Was the dropout rate described, and were the characteristics of the dropouts compared with the completers of the study?YesYesNoYesNoYesYesYesYes
Was a long-term follow-up measurement in both groups comparable?YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoYes
Was the timing of the outcome measurements in both groups comparable?YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Was the sample size for each group described by means of a power calculation?YesYesaYesYesYesNoaYesNoYes
Did the analysis include an intention-to-treat analysis?YesNoNoaYesYesNoYesNoYes
Were point estimates and measures of variability presented for the primary outcome measures?YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Intervention exposure
Was the exposure frequency measured?YesaYesaYesYesNoYesYesNoYes
Was the exposure duration measured?NaNoNaYesNaYesaYesNaNo

a Information obtained from original author

Na, Not applicable

Effects of ICT-based PA interventions for children and adolescents

The present review systematically evaluated the efficacy and methodological quality of ICT-based interventions that applied Internet and/or SMS as a delivery mode for PA behavior change in children and adolescents based on the evidence of randomized controlled trials during the past 12 years (1997-2009). As mentioned earlier, the review by Norman et al [Norman GJ, Zabinski MF, Adams MA, Rosenberg DE, Yaroch AL, Atienza AA. A review of eHealth interventions for physical activity and dietary behavior change. Am J Prev Med 2007 Oct;33(4):336-345. [CrossRef] [Medline]33] only included 3 RCTs focused on children and adolescents. Although the present review located 6 more studies, the small number of included studies in both reviews indicates the needs for additional studies. The 3 RCTs reviewed by Norman et al were Internet-based interventions. In contrast, the present review illustrated that the proportion of Internet- and SMS-based interventions was almost equal. This finding suggests the emerging role of SMS in changing PA behaviors in a young population. However, there are no existing criteria to inform the choice of ICT for different research purposes. Future studies investigating this issue are suggested.

The present review demonstrates consistent evidence supporting the efficacy of improving psychosocial variables through ICT-based Interventions (eg, self-efficacy). For behavioral variables (ie, PA level), evidence was less consistent. Unfortunately, there is insufficient information explaining the underlying mechanisms for change because many of the included studies have an incomplete theoretical foundation. Baranowski and Jago [Baranowski T, Jago R. Understanding the mechanisms of change in children's physical activity programs. Exerc Sport Sci Rev 2005 Oct;33(4):163-168. [Medline]54] indicated that a complete theoretical foundation of an intervention played an imperative role in explaining the effects of PA interventions. Their framework stated that a complete theoretical foundation not only includes employing theory and theory-based strategies to design the intervention, but also an evaluation of mediating variables. Further, changes as a result of an intervention should be associated with changes in outcome variables and potential confounders (eg, gender and ethnicity) should also be assessed for their role in influencing the relationship between the mediating variables and the target behavior.

In the present review, only half of the studies reviewed developed their interventions based on health behavior change theories. We found that 4 theory-based interventions measured a behavioral variable (PA level) as the outcome and that only 2 studies [Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43,Patrick K, Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Lydston DD, Calfas KJ, Zabinski MF, et al. A multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001 Aug;155(8):940-946 [FREE Full text] [Medline]46] explicitly described how the desired outcomes were manipulated by the intervention components. None have measured changes in the theoretical constructs as the outcome variables. Although a few studies [Jago R, Baranowski T, Baranowski JC, Thompson D, Cullen KW, Watson K, et al. Fit for Life Boy Scout badge: outcome evaluation of a troop and Internet intervention. Prev Med 2006 Mar;42(3):181-187. [CrossRef] [Medline]42,Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43,Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47] analyzed the confounders (ie, season, baseline PA level, and gender) that serve as moderators for intervention effects, it was still difficult to determine the underlying mechanism that drives an intervention’s success and failure [Rothman AJ. "Is there nothing more practical than a good theory?": Why innovations and advances in health behavior change will arise if interventions are used to test and refine theory. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2004 Jul 27;1(1):11 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]55,Michie S, Prestwich A. Are interventions theory-based? Development of a theory coding scheme. Health Psychol 2010 Jan;29(1):1-8. [CrossRef] [Medline]56]. These findings reinforce the need to strengthen theoretical foundations in future studies.

In all, 7 studies [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41-Newton KH, Wiltshire EJ, Elley CR. Pedometers and text messaging to increase physical activity: randomized controlled trial of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2009 May;32(5):813-815 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]45,Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47,Shapiro JR, Bauer S, Hamer RM, Kordy H, Ward D, Bulik CM. Use of text messaging for monitoring sugar-sweetened beverages, physical activity, and screen time in children: a pilot study. J Nutr Educ Behav 2008;40(6):385-391. [CrossRef] [Medline]48] compared the effects of the ICT groups with either non-ICT or no treatment control groups. Also, 6 studies showed that ICT groups were either as effective as (n = 3) [Jago R, Baranowski T, Baranowski JC, Thompson D, Cullen KW, Watson K, et al. Fit for Life Boy Scout badge: outcome evaluation of a troop and Internet intervention. Prev Med 2006 Mar;42(3):181-187. [CrossRef] [Medline]42,Newton KH, Wiltshire EJ, Elley CR. Pedometers and text messaging to increase physical activity: randomized controlled trial of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2009 May;32(5):813-815 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]45,Shapiro JR, Bauer S, Hamer RM, Kordy H, Ward D, Bulik CM. Use of text messaging for monitoring sugar-sweetened beverages, physical activity, and screen time in children: a pilot study. J Nutr Educ Behav 2008;40(6):385-391. [CrossRef] [Medline]48] or superior to (n = 3) [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41,Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43,Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47] non-ICT groups. However, it is inconclusive whether ICT is equivalent or superior to other delivery approaches (ie, face-to-face). The problem with existing research is that the majority of the studies employed both ICT and face-to-face modes. In addition, these studies did not include a comparable control group. When analyzing the intervention characteristics of the ICT group and the non-ICT control group, the contact frequency of the two groups varied. For instance, Fanklin et al [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41] and Lubans et al [Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43] employed ICT to provide tailored feedback to participants in the ICT group, but it was not offered to the non-ICT control group. Shapiro et al [Shapiro JR, Bauer S, Hamer RM, Kordy H, Ward D, Bulik CM. Use of text messaging for monitoring sugar-sweetened beverages, physical activity, and screen time in children: a pilot study. J Nutr Educ Behav 2008;40(6):385-391. [CrossRef] [Medline]48] gave tailored feedback to participants in both the ICT group and non-ICT control group, but the contact frequency in the ICT group (once per day) was far more frequent than in the non-ICT control group (once per week). Despite the fact that the impact of varied contact frequency on intervention efficacy was unclear, existing evidence [Vandelanotte C, Spathonis KM, Eakin EG, Owen N. Website-delivered physical activity interventions a review of the literature. Am J Prev Med 2007 Jul;33(1):54-64. [CrossRef] [Medline]36] supported the notion that higher contact frequency was associated with enhanced efficacy. Although these studies reported significant between-group differences favoring the ICT group, it is difficult to determine whether the surplus effects in the ICT group were a result of the use of ICT or increased contact frequency. Nonetheless, the findings provide evidence supporting the effectiveness of ICT in PA interventions for children and adolescents, especially when used along with other delivery approaches.

In all, 3 studies [Franklin VL, Waller A, Pagliari C, Greene SA. A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2006 Dec;23(12):1332-1338. [CrossRef] [Medline]41,Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43,Prochaska JJ, Sallis JF. A randomized controlled trial of single versus multiple health behavior change: promoting physical activity and nutrition among adolescents. Health Psychol 2004 May;23(3):314-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]47] demonstrated significant between-group differences and large effect sizes, which are obviously larger than in the remaining studies. Attempts were made to examine whether any specific intervention characteristics contributed to larger effect sizes. We found that ICT-based interventions that were grounded in behavior change theory and utilized an investigator-initiation strategy were more likely to show more significant between-group differences and larger effect sizes than those did not (See Table 1).

There is extensive prior evidence suggesting that use of theory has a beneficial effect on interventions [Webb TL, Joseph J, Yardley L, Michie S. Using the internet to promote health behavior change: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of theoretical basis, use of behavior change techniques, and mode of delivery on efficacy. J Med Internet Res 2010;12(1):e4 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]26,Rothman AJ. "Is there nothing more practical than a good theory?": Why innovations and advances in health behavior change will arise if interventions are used to test and refine theory. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2004 Jul 27;1(1):11 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]55-Painter JE, Borba CP, Hynes M, Mays D, Glanz K. The use of theory in health behavior research from 2000 to 2005: a systematic review. Ann Behav Med 2008 Jun;35(3):358-362. [CrossRef] [Medline]57]. The mechanism that explained this evidence was that behavior change theories could inform researchers of the most influential mediating variables of the target behavior [Baranowski T, Cullen KW, Nicklas T, Thompson D, Baranowski J. Are current health behavioral change models helpful in guiding prevention of weight gain efforts? Obes Res 2003 Oct;11 Suppl:23S-43S. [CrossRef] [Medline]58]. Through intervening on these influential mediating variables, people would be more likely to initiate behavior change. In this review, efforts were made to examine whether improved efficacy was associated with the use of a specific behavior change theory. Due to the small number of theory-based interventions and the heterogeneity of study designs, direct comparisons examining the effects across different behavior change theories on intervention efficacy could not be performed. Again, this finding indicates the importance of using a theoretical framework to facilitate an intervention’s success and designing experimental studies that compare the effects of different behavior change theories on intervention efficacy.

It is important to note that ICT-based interventions that used behavior change theory along with the adoption of investigator-initiated strategies showed significant between-group difference and larger effect size when compared with a non-ICT control group. A possible reason for the improved efficacy is that the investigator-initiation strategy uses a “pushed” approach [Waller A, Franklin V, Pagliari C, Greene S. Participatory design of a text message scheduling system to support young people with diabetes. Health Informatics J 2006 Dec;12(4):304-318. [CrossRef] [Medline]59], where automatic and specific materials (ie, Web hyperlinks and personalized feedback) are directly addressed to participant’s personal email or SMS. This can save participants the cognitive effort it takes to plan when, where, what, and how to prevent time conflicts with other daily tasks before using ICT to access the materials. All the participants have to do is to check their email and use their mobile phone in a typical fashion. This makes ICT-based interventions more compatible with a participant’s existing practice and lifestyle. According to the diffusion of innovation theory [Roger ME, Roger E. Diffusion of Innovations. 5th edition. New York, NY: Free Press; 2003.60], increased compatibility of an intervention could enhance the likelihood that children and adolescents would read the materials and adhere to the interventions. Consequently, the initiation of behavior change could be more likely to happen [Petty RE, Cacioppo JT. Communication and Persuasion: Central and Peripheral Routes to Attitude Change. New York, NY: Springer/Verlag; 1986.61]. However, the present review could not confirm the effect of ICT initiation strategy on intervention exposure and adherence rate since these data were not available in most of the included studies. Clearly, more studies are needed to investigate the impact of ICT initiation strategy on intervention exposure rate, adherence rate, and efficacy.

With respect to methodological quality, two-thirds of the included studies were classified as having good methodological quality. Most of the studies failed to report the allocation concealment and blinding of outcome assessments. Appropriate allocation concealment is important to avoid selection and confounding bias [Schulz KF. Assessing allocation concealment and blinding in randomized controlled trials: why bother? ACP J Club 2000;132(2):A11-A12. [Medline]62,Greenhalgh T. Assessing the methodological quality of published papers. BMJ 1997 Aug 2;315(7103):305-308 [FREE Full text] [Medline]63] while blinding of outcome assessment can lower the risk of exaggerating treatment effectiveness [Poolman RW, Struijs PA, Krips R, Sierevelt IN, Marti RK, Farrokhyar F, et al. Reporting of outcomes in orthopaedic randomized trials: does blinding of outcome assessors matter? J Bone Joint Surg Am 2007 Mar;89(3):550-558. [CrossRef] [Medline]64]. Absence of the above information will prevent us from appraising the risk of bias. Without understanding the risk of bias, we should remain cautious about the positive effects of ICT-based interventions [Schulz KF. Assessing allocation concealment and blinding in randomized controlled trials: why bother? ACP J Club 2000;132(2):A11-A12. [Medline]62,Schulz KF, Grimes DA. Blinding in randomised trials: hiding who got what. Lancet 2002 Feb 23;359(9307):696-700. [CrossRef] [Medline]65]. Another shortcoming to this body of research is that very few studies (n = 2) conducted long-term follow up. As the development of a PA habit is a life-long task and maintenance of a new adopted behavior may require at least 6 months [Prochaska JO, DiClemente CC. Stages and processes of self-change of smoking: toward an integrative model of change. J Consult Clin Psychol 1983 Jun;51(3):390-395. [Medline]66], interventions with a long-term follow-up period (> 6 months) may better allow us to assess the effects of ICT-based PA interventions.

There are two methodological issues related to the intervention exposure rate. First, there was improper reporting of the intervention exposure rate. In the present review, only 2 studies reported both exposure frequency and exposure duration. Second, there was an unclear description of the measurements used to assess intervention exposure rate. Williamson et al [Williamson DA, Walden HM, White MA, York-Crowe E, Newton RL, Alfonso A, et al. Two-year internet-based randomized controlled trial for weight loss in African-American girls. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006 Jul;14(7):1231-1243 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]49] was the only research group that employed objective measurements, and theirs was also the only study that defined intervention exposure rate and described how to measure it. Without an objective measure, the risk of response bias may increase [Biemer PP, Witt M. Repeated measures estimation of measurement bias for self-reported drug use with applications to the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse. NIDA Res Monogr 1997;167:439-476. [Medline]67]. These methodological issues have prevented us from estimating the extent to which the prescribed intervention dosage was received by the participants. If the dosage received by participants could not be estimated, it is hard to determine whether improvements in the measured outcomes were an effect of the interventions or other factors. Using Lubans et al [Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Callister R, Collins CE. Effects of integrating pedometers, parental materials, and E-mail support within an extracurricular school sport intervention. J Adolesc Health 2009 Feb;44(2):176-183. [CrossRef] [Medline]43] as an example, participant’s exposure to the social support email was low, but they still observed significant and positive results. It is possible that the positive effects were influenced by the face-to-face sports program. In addition, Crutzen and colleagues [Crutzen R, de Nooijer J, Candel MJ, de Vries NK. Adolescents who intend to change multiple health behaviours choose greater exposure to an internet-delivered intervention. J Health Psychol 2008 Oct;13(7):906-911. [CrossRef] [Medline]68] suggested that intervention exposure rate may reflect the salience of intention of behavior change, which varied during different time periods throughout the intervention. It is important for researchers to understand participants’ behavior change patterns so necessary adjustments can be made. These findings indicate the need for adopting objective and valid instruments to measure intervention exposure rates. It is also important for future studies to report these data when presenting results.


The present review provides evidence supporting the positive effects of ICTs in PA interventions for children and adolescents, especially when used with other delivery approaches (ie, face-to-face). Because ICT delivery approaches are often mixed with other approaches and these studies sometimes lack a comparable control group, additional research is needed to establish the true independent effects of ICT as an intervention delivery mode. Nevertheless, this review has found that combining the use of behavior change theory and investigator-initiated strategies could be associated with enhanced intervention efficacy and larger effect sizes. However, more studies are needed prior to reaching solid conclusions. Although two-thirds of the studies demonstrated satisfactory methodological quality, several quality criteria still have room for improvement (eg, providing clear descriptions of allocation concealment, blinding of outcome assessment, and intervention exposure rate). Furthermore, researchers should also consider intervening for a longer duration and employing objective instruments for assessing intervention exposure rate. Due to the small number of studies that met the inclusion criteria, researchers should be cautious when interpreting the findings of the present review.


The authors wish to thanks Ms Dianne Cmor and Mr. Christopher Chan for their assistances throughout the literature search process.

Conflicts of Interest

None declared

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BCT: behavior change technique
ICT: information and communication technology
PA: physical activity
RCT: randomized controlled trial
RPM: relapse prevention model
SCT: social cognitive theory
SMS: short message services
TTM: transtheoretical model

Edited by G Eysenbach; submitted 19.03.10; peer-reviewed by T Baranowski; comments to author 25.06.10; revised version received 17.02.11; accepted 24.03.11; published 13.07.11


©Patrick WC Lau, Erica Y Lau, Del P Wong, Lynda Ransdell. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (, 13.07.2011.

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